The experience of surgical treatment of stressful urinary incontinence of an average and heavy degree




Problem: what is the effect of “sling” operations for patients with urinary incontonence.


Problem: what is the effect of “sling” operations for patients with urinary incontonence.

Methods. Before surgical treatment of urinary incontonence we spend the certain algorithm of diagnostics: use of the modified questionnaire; carrying out of functional tests, bacteriological analises of urine, urodynamical researches, cystoscopy, urethrography.

We give the special value to carrying out of the stoptest, rectal-test in Savitskiy’s updaiting, the Mazurek’s test. In our opinion the group of patients with average and heavy degree of urinary incontonence should have the special attention. We performed 86 operations (with vaginal and laparoscopy acsseses and sling-operations).

Results. Having tracked the remote results of vaginal operations and having analysed same cases of combined surgical operations at these patients (with vaginal and laparoscopy acsseses) there has been drawn a conclusion about their rather low efficiency.

For last years we executed 52 “sling”-operations (of Gebbel-Shtekel and Oldridzh-Krasnopolskiy) at average and heavy degrees of urinary incontonence.

The age of patiens was from 34 till 52 years, duration of their disease varied from 2 till 7 years. On the basis of the direct and remote results the restoration of normal urination process was noted in 44 cases from 52. After “sling”-operations there was noted a long period of treatment caused by long restoration of urination process.

Conclusions. It is drawn a conclusion that the given sling-operations are the most effective in patients with an average and heavy degree urinary incontonence.



Е. Novikov

Medical-Military Academy, Scientifically research institute of first aid of a name Dzhanelidze I.I.


Department of obstetrics and gynecology

俄罗斯联邦, Saint-Petersburg; Saint-Petersburg

I. Soroka

Medical-Military Academy, Scientifically research institute of first aid of a name Dzhanelidze I.I.


Department of obstetrics and gynecology

俄罗斯联邦, Saint-Petersburg; Saint-Petersburg

L. Ivanova

Medical-Military Academy, Scientifically research institute of first aid of a name Dzhanelidze I.I.


Department of obstetrics and gynecology

俄罗斯联邦, Saint-Petersburg; Saint-Petersburg

А. Popov

Medical-Military Academy, Scientifically research institute of first aid of a name Dzhanelidze I.I.


Department of obstetrics and gynecology

俄罗斯联邦, Saint-Petersburg; Saint-Petersburg




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