

是否已经在10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives"里有了一个帐户?





The policy of the journal is to publish original articles that meet the standards of high scientific quality. Research and review articles are accepted for publication.

Discussion articles are welcome.

The language of the Conference proceedings is Russian & English.

If the main language of the article is Russian, then the article must necessarily have a translation into English of the title, annotation, keywords, names of authors, the name of the organization.

If the main language is English, then the article must have a translation into Russian of the title, annotation, keywords, names of authors, the name of the organization.

Article selection process

We select articles for publication based on peer-reviewed (double blind). The editorial board gives an opinion on the advisability of publishing the article. The term of consideration is at least 2 months.

Peer-review process

Manuscripts submitted for publication undergo double-blind peer review (the reviewer does not know the author of the manuscript, the author of the manuscript does not know the reviewer).

Reviewing of articles is carried out both by teachers of NVSU and invited reviewers - leading experts in the relevant field of science.

The decision to select a reviewer is made by the organizing committee.

In the event of a conflict of interest, the reviewer has the right to refuse to conduct an examination of the article.

The review period is 2 weeks, but may be extended at the request of the reviewer.

After reviewing the manuscript, the reviewer makes the following recommendations:

  • the article is recommended for publication in its present form;
  • the article can be published after the shortcomings noted by the reviewer are corrected;
  • the article needs additional review by another specialist;
  • the article cannot be published.

If the review contains recommendations for correcting and finalizing the article, the text of the review is sent to the author with a proposal to take them into account when preparing a new version of the article or to refute them with reason (partially or completely). The revised article is resubmitted for review.

Finalization of the article should take no more than 1 month from the moment the author is notified of the need to make changes. After the expiration of this period, the author is sent a corresponding notice of the withdrawal of the manuscript from consideration for publication. If the author refuses to finalize the article, he must notify the editors in writing of his decision.

An article not recommended for publication is not accepted for re-consideration.

The presence of a positive review is not sufficient grounds for publishing an article. The final decision on publication is made at a meeting of the organizing committee. In any conflict situations, the final decision is made by the chairman.

After deciding on the admission of the article for publication, the organizing committee informs the author about it.

Manuscript preparation guidelines

Artile structure

You should adhere to the following structure of the article:

  1. UDC.
  2. Title of the article. (in Russian and English).
  3. Information about the authors: name of the author (s), ORCID, academic title. (in Russian and English).
  4. Place of work. (in Russian and English).
  5. Contact information: country, city, e-mail. (in Russian and English).
  6. Annotation of the article (not less than 200 words) The abstract should contain the following information: the purpose and objectives of the research; methodology and scientific approaches, the main results obtained; conclusions; originality / value of the data obtained; practical significance; direction of further research. (in Russian and English).
  7. Key words (5-10 words) (in Russian and English).

The research paper should include the following sections:

  • introduction;
  • experimental part;
  • the discussion of the results;
  • conclusions;
  • list of references in the order of citation.

The structure of the review article differs only in its content. All its sections reflect the author's intention.

The article does not allow hidden non-printable characters and other tricks that interfere with checking the article for anti-plagiarism.

Approximate requirements for the volume of articles

Reviews. Critical generalization of a research topic for a certain period of time (most often 5–10 years);

10-12 pages, 5-7 figures (tables), from 80 references (but not more than 150). The approximate total length of the article is from 8000 words.

Research article - standard format for completed scientific research - 6–8 pages, no more than 5 figures / tables in total (any additional figures and tables can be included in additional data), at least 20–35 references.

Manuscript submission

The article should be submitted to the editorial office by email: vestnik@nvsu.ru or red@nvsu.ru

Submitting your article in hard copy is not required!

All accompanying documents that contain signature and / or seal are uploaded in scanned form.

To increase the "visibility" of authors, it is recommended to submit their identifiers from ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) http://www.orcid.org/) when submitting an article.

When submitting an article, the author confirms that the article has not been previously published and is under consideration in another journal. Simultaneous submission of a manuscript to different journals is considered a serious violation of ethical standards. Revealing duplicate publications may lead to refusal to accept manuscripts of these authors, as well as to retraction of already published duplicate articles.

The text of the article must be accompanied by:

  1. Article in Doc and Pdf format (diagrams, formulas, pictures and diagrams).
  2. Application.
  3. Contract.

The article file must be prepared in Microsoft Word format. It is recommended to use Times New Roman font, font size 11 pt, line spacing 1, indent 1, justified alignment.

Endnotes should not be used to form a bibliography! Do not upload archives!

Only original files! You should not split the article into separate files (text, tables, figures, annotations)!

If possible, all required material should be sent in one folder.

As additional files, you need / can upload drawings in the original format, accompanying documents, an examination certificate, an author's agreement (in pdf format).

Headings. Headings are not printed in uppercase (uppercase) letters.

Tables are arranged according to the text. Each table must have a thematic heading and a serial number, which is referenced in the text "in table 1", or "(tab. 1)".

Arbitrary shortening of words is not allowed.

Figures are placed in the text of the article and submitted separately as files in graphic jpeg format, at least 1 MB (> 300 dpi). In the text - “in Figure 3” or “(Fig. 3)”. Placement of the same material in the form of figures and tables is not allowed!

Charts and graphs are presented separately as Excel files.

For mathematical formulas, use Microsoft Equation. For chemical formulas - ChemDraw, ChemWindow, ISIS, or others.

Species names. Species names are given in Latin; the higher taxa (families) to which the objects of study belong are indicated in brackets. The authors of taxa should be named once at the first mention of taxa in the text of the article. The names (Latin) of taxa are printed in italics.

The Experimental section should contain information about the investigated natural or introduced object with the obligatory indication of the Latin name, if possible - synonyms and summaries for which they are given. Latin names should be cited according to the latest sources with reference to them.

For example: In the genus Schizonepeta (Bentham) Briq. (syn .: Nepeta sect. Schizonepeta Benth.) The Lamiaceae family contains three species.

Acknowledgements. All thanks for the help in the work are placed and for financial support - at the end of the article.

The references list - in alphabetical order. It is advisable to cite works published within the last 5-7 years. Use only scientific literature (monographs, articles, conference materials). References to dissertations and abstracts are not recommended, instead of them, the works published by these authors (articles from scientific journals, conference materials, monographs, etc., published both before and after the publication of the thesis) are indicated. In the text of the article, references to sources are given in square brackets in Arabic numerals. The titles of journals cannot be abbreviated. The list of references should be organized according to the APA + GOST R 7.0.5-2008. The following are the principal points you should be aware of while preparing your manuscript for submission:

  • References should be numbered in the order in which they are cited.
  • The number of references is limited to 60 for literature reviews, and to 20 for original studies and lectures.
  • Within the body of the text, references should be provided in Arabic numerals enclosed in square brackets.

A complete list of all authors should be presented in every bibliographical entry. Please provide its full title journal.

  1. Books by foreign authors

Hesse, K. (1962). Der unitarische Bundesstaat. Karlsruhe: C.F. Müller.

Hintze, O. (1962). Wesen und Wandlung des modernen Staates. In G. Oesterreich, Staat und Verfassung. Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur Allgemeinen Verfassunsgeschichte (рр. 470-496). Göttingen: Publisher.

  1. Articles in scientific journals that are published in English:

- everything is in English, if the article has a DOI, we indicate it (as an Internet link), if not, we do not indicate it.


Blejer, M. I. (2006). Economic growth and the stability and efficiency of the financial sector. Journal of Banking and Finance, 30(12), 3429-3432. doi:10.1016/j.jbankfin.2006.06.001

Rahman, S., & Wu, Y.J. (2011). Logistics outsourcing in China: the manufacturer-cum-supplier perspective. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16(6), 462-473.

  1. Articles in Russian journals (if there is an English translation):

Surname, Initials - in English (year of publication) title of the article - in English. Journal title - transliteration [Journal title - English translation], journal volume (journal number), pages. (in Russ.).


Vertakova, Yu. V. (2015). Taxonomic assessment of innovation economy branch development: a synthesis of methodological approaches. Izvestiya Yugo-zapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Ekonomika. Sotsiologiya. Menedzhment [Southwest State University Bulletin. Series of Works: Economy. Sociology. Management], 2, 51-59. (in Russ.).

Plotnikov, V., & Chaplina, A. (2010).Process-oriented system of managing competitiveness of Russian consumer market players. Problemy sovremennoi ekonomiki [The Problems of Modern Economics], 2,140-146. (in Russ.).

Transliteration design.

It is recommended to use BSI (British Standard Institute, UK) standard for transliteration.

To transliterate text in accordance with the BSI standard, you can use the link http://ru.translit.ru/?account=bsi.

The place of publication in links should always be indicated in English and in full - not in transliteration and without abbreviations. That is, Moscow, not "Moskva" and not "M .:", St. Petersburg, not "Sankt Peterburg" or "SPb"

If the publication you cited in References is not originally in English (if you did transliteration of the title of the publication and the name of the source to make a link in References) - at the very end of the link, after specifying the range of pages in parentheses, you should indicate the identifier of the language in which the original source is written. For links to Russian-language sources, for example, you should use the phrase "(In Russ.)"




  • Отсутствие плагиата в тексте. Авторы гарантируют, что эта статья целиком или частично не была раньше опубликована, а также не находится на рассмотрении и в процессе публикации в другом издании.

  • Правильный формат. Отправляемый файл рукописи имеет формат Microsoft Word - *.doc, *.docx. При оформлении рукописи соблюдены все требования редакции по оформлению текста, рукопись отформатирована в соответствии с указаниями официального сайта конференции.

  • Авторство. Авторы подтверждают, что:

    • все участники, внесшие существенный вклад в исследование, представлены как Соавторы;
    • не приведены в качестве Соавторов те, кто не участвовал в проведении исследования;
    • все Соавторы видели и одобрили окончательную версию работы и согласились с представлением ее к публикации.
  • Текст соответствует стилистическим и библиографческим требованиями Руководства для Авторов, расположенном в разделе "О нас".

  • Были удалены имена авторов из заголовка статьи и выполнены другие требования документа Обеспечение Анонимности при Рецензировании.



Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the Publisher right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licensee (CC BY 4.0) that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this Conference Proceedings.
  2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the Conference Proceeding's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).

All the Copyright statements for authors are present in the standart Publishing Agreement to Publish an Article in the Conference Proceedings of 10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives".

READ the details online (tap to see in details)

Publishing Agreement (Public Offer) to Publish an Article in the Conference Proceedings of 10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives"

1. Parties to the agreement
Author (co-authors) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(surname, name, patronymic of all authors of the article in the sequence corresponding to the mention in the article)
and Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Nizhnevartovsk State University" (hereinafter referred to as the "Publisher"), represented by the rector Sergey Ivanovich Gorlov, acting on the basis of the Charter, for publication in the conference proceedings transmits "Title of the manuscript" (hereinafter referred to as the "Materials"), have entered into an agreement as follows:

2. Subject of the contract

2.1. Copyright

From the date of entry into force of this Agreement, the Author (and each co-author) transfers the Materials to the Publisher, including the rights to edit, reproduce, publish, transmit, distribute or otherwise use the Materials or the parts (fragments) contained therein for inclusion in scientific, educational, technical or professional databases, library repositories.

Reproduction, placement, transfer or other distribution or use of the Materials or any separate part (fragment) of the Material contained in it, in any way permitted by this Agreement, must be accompanied by a link to the conference proceedings and a mention of the Publisher, namely: (title of the article, name of the Author (co-authors) ), name of the conference, copyright of the Publisher of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Nizhnevartovsk State University" or other copyright owner indicated in the proceedings of the conference proceedings, year of first publication).

The transfer of rights under this Agreement includes the right to process the submission form of the Materials for use in interaction with computer programs and systems (databases), reproduction, publication and distribution in a machine-readable format and implementation in search systems (databases).

2.2. Reserved rights

The Author (co-authors) or the Employer of the Author (co-authors) of the Materials retains all rights (except for the rights transferred to the Publisher under this Agreement) of the owner of the Materials, including patent rights to any processes, methods or methods, etc., described by the Author (co-authors) in the Materials, as well as trademark rights.

2.3. Other rights of the Author (co-authors) of the Materials

The Publisher authorizes the Author (co-authors) of the Materials (employer) to:

  • The right to use printed or electronic preprints of unpublished Materials in the form and content accepted by the Publisher for publication in the Journal. Such preprints may be posted as electronic files on the Author(s) website or on a secure external website of the Materials Author(s) employer, but not for commercial sale or systematic external distribution by a third party. In doing so, the Author must:
    • include the following warning in the preprint: “This is a preprint of Materials accepted for publication in (conference name, (©), copyright (year), copyright owner indicated in the collection of materials)”;
    • provide an electronic link to the Publisher's websites with the URL: kultura.nvsu.ru https://www.nvsu.ru/.
  • The right to photocopy or distribute to colleagues, free of charge, a copy of the printed article, in whole or in part, for their personal or professional use, to promote academic or scientific research, or for the informational purposes of an employer, as set forth below.
  • The right to use Materials from a published article in a book written by the Author (co-authors).
  • The right to use individual figures or tables and extracts of text from the Materials for your own learning purposes or for inclusion in another work published (in print or electronic format) by a third party, or for electronic presentation on an internal computer network or on an external web -website of the Author (co-authors) or his employer.
  • The right to include the Materials in educational collections for use in the classroom, for free distribution of the Materials to the students of the Author (co-authors) or to store the Materials in electronic format on a local server for students to access as part of the course of study, as well as for internal training programs at the employer's institution .

2.4. Materials owned by the Employer

  • If the Materials were prepared in the order of performance of an official task, and they are the property of the Employer, then the Author (co-authors) must receive (in addition to their signature) the signature of the Employer. By this Agreement, the Employer transfers to the Publisher all copyrights to use the Materials as specified in 2.1 on the terms and conditions provided for in this Agreement.
  • In addition to the rights specified in 2.2 and the rights transferred to the Author (co-authors) in accordance with paragraph 2.3, the Publisher hereby grants such Employer, free of charge, the right to make copies and distribute printed Materials within the institution in print or electronic form on the Employer's local server not for commercial use. Accommodation Employer

The use of published Materials on a public server can be carried out only with the written consent of the Publisher and upon making all necessary payments.

2.5. Copyright Notice

The Author/Employer agrees that each copy of the Materials or any part of it, distributed or posted by them in printed or electronic format, as permitted by this Agreement, will contain an indication of the copyright provided by the Publisher and full reference to the Publisher.

2.6. Author's guarantees

The author (co-authors) guarantees that the Materials are original work, submitted for consideration only to this Journal and have not been previously published. If the Materials were written jointly with co-authors, the Author guarantees that he informed them of the terms of this Agreement and received their signatures or written permission to sign on their behalf.

(If the Materials include excerpts from works or contain references to works protected by copyright and owned by a third party, then the Author must obtain written permission from the copyright holders for all uses and provide a link to the original source). The Author further warrants that the Materials do not contain defamatory language or infringe on the rights (including, without limitation, copyright, or patent or trademark rights) of others and do not contain materials or instructions that could cause harm or damage to third parties and their publication will not lead to the disclosure of secret or confidential information (including state secrets).

2.7. Obligations and Warranties of the Publisher

The Publisher undertakes to publish the Materials within the time limits set by the Publisher and provide the Author (co-authors) at his request with an electronic print of the Materials after their publication, provided that the Publisher is provided with an e-mail address.

The Publisher guarantees the international standard of works, distribution of the Materials worldwide in accordance with the received orders, protection of copyrights from illegal use by third parties and observance of the personal non-property rights of the Author (co-authors) of the Materials.

2.8. Entry into force of the Treaty

This Agreement shall enter into force in the event and from the moment the Publisher makes a decision to accept the Materials for publication and is valid for the period specified in paragraph 1 2. If the Materials are not accepted for publication or the Author (authors) withdraws the work prior to "publication", this The contract does not enter into (loses) force.

The Parties have agreed that, in accordance with applicable law, they allow and recognize the reproduction of the text of this Agreement and the signatures of the Parties on this Agreement and other necessary and mandatory documents to it (mentioned in this Agreement) using the means of mechanical, electronic or other copying of a handwritten signature and text of the Agreement, which will have the same force as the original signature of the Party or the original document. Facsimile (electronic) copies of documents are valid and have equal legal force along with the original ones.

Full Name
(Surname, name, patronymic and position, passport data)
Job title
Address for correspondence

Author's signature Date

From Publisher
FSBEI HE "Nizhnevartovsk State University"



The editorial Board of the journal and the administration of the website of the journal do not transfer personal information in any way specified by the users when working with the website of the journal to third parties, except for those cases and to the extent specified in the terms of the copyright agreement.

The affiliation work and e-mail address of the authors of the manuscript accepted for publication will be published in the section "information about the authors" of the printed version of the journal and in the section "about the authors" on the page of the article on the website of the journal.

The phone number of the corresponding author will be known only to the editorial Board Secretariat and will only be used in cases of emergency.
