Artificial intelligence in the era of global digitalization



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Background. According to the literature data, artificial intelligence is a useful way to use technologies [1–4]. In the era of global digitalization it is important to have an instrument that helps a person not to get lost in the amount of information we have today. Nowadays AI is on the verge of new discoveries. That is why it is necessary to determine the vector of its development that meets the needs of modern society.

Aim. To identify the potential effectiveness or harm of technological innovations and AI.

Methods. In the research the survey has been conducted in order to find out the attitude to AI, the format and regularity of its usage. 300 students took part in it. The questionnaire consisted of 23 questions. Three of them will be presented in this article.

Results. The basic task of research was to understand the necessity of AI and its disadvantages. The following questions helped to disclose the issue. “Do you think AI needs to be introduced into modern life?” 77.8 % voted “Yes” and expressed a desire to see artificial intelligence in their lives every day. “Do you think AI can be dangerous for human?” 77.8 % of respondents, answering the question about the need to introduce AI technologies into modern life, assessed the impact of its introduction as positive. But when the question arose about whether artificial intelligence is safe in the opinion of respondents, 75 % noted that they consider it potentially dangerous for human beings. “How much, in your opinion, can AI simplify the life of an ordinary person?” 89.3 % of respondents, said that AI technologies can significantly simplify our everyday life. Due to these questions, the general attitude of society towards AI was revealed.

In the coming years, almost all areas of our life will get interaction with the global Internet network. According to the research the most popular areas of AI development will be: education, economics, entertainment, medicine. And due to the fact that modern society sees a threat in Strong AI (92.4 %), its development will be slowed down, and its place will be taken by Weak AI, which is more preferable (77.8 %).

Conclusions. The conducted research and analysis of the types and development of AI helped the authors to identifythe potential effectivenessof technological innovations and AI. These are as follows:

  • the increasing level of global digitalization;
  • the growth of the usage of AI technologies;
  • the support of weak AI technologies in different spheres;
  • the growing fear of strong AI.

Полный текст

Background. According to the literature data, artificial intelligence is a useful way to use technologies [1–4]. In the era of global digitalization it is important to have an instrument that helps a person not to get lost in the amount of information we have today. Nowadays AI is on the verge of new discoveries. That is why it is necessary to determine the vector of its development that meets the needs of modern society.

Aim. To identify the potential effectiveness or harm of technological innovations and AI.

Methods. In the research the survey has been conducted in order to find out the attitude to AI, the format and regularity of its usage. 300 students took part in it. The questionnaire consisted of 23 questions. Three of them will be presented in this article.

Results. The basic task of research was to understand the necessity of AI and its disadvantages. The following questions helped to disclose the issue. “Do you think AI needs to be introduced into modern life?” 77.8 % voted “Yes” and expressed a desire to see artificial intelligence in their lives every day. “Do you think AI can be dangerous for human?” 77.8 % of respondents, answering the question about the need to introduce AI technologies into modern life, assessed the impact of its introduction as positive. But when the question arose about whether artificial intelligence is safe in the opinion of respondents, 75 % noted that they consider it potentially dangerous for human beings. “How much, in your opinion, can AI simplify the life of an ordinary person?” 89.3 % of respondents, said that AI technologies can significantly simplify our everyday life. Due to these questions, the general attitude of society towards AI was revealed.

In the coming years, almost all areas of our life will get interaction with the global Internet network. According to the research the most popular areas of AI development will be: education, economics, entertainment, medicine. And due to the fact that modern society sees a threat in Strong AI (92.4 %), its development will be slowed down, and its place will be taken by Weak AI, which is more preferable (77.8 %).

Conclusions. The conducted research and analysis of the types and development of AI helped the authors to identifythe potential effectivenessof technological innovations and AI. These are as follows:

  • the increasing level of global digitalization;
  • the growth of the usage of AI technologies;
  • the support of weak AI technologies in different spheres;
  • the growing fear of strong AI.

Об авторах

Andrey K. Ermakov

Samara State Technical University

Автор, ответственный за переписку.

student, group 21FMEMT-105, faculty of mechanical engineering, metallurgy and transport

Россия, Samara

Darya E. Trusova

Samara State Technical University


student, group 21IEEHE-111, institute of engineering-economic and humanitarian education

Россия, Samara

Ekaterina A. Gradaleva

Samara State Technical University


scientific supervisor, Candidate of Philology, associate professor, associate professor of the department of Education, Cross-cultural Communication and Russian as a Foreign Language

Россия, Samara

Elmira R. Hafiyatullina

Samara State Technical University


scientific supervisor, Candidate of Philosophy, associate professor, associate professor of the department of Foreign Languages

Россия, Samara

Список литературы

  1. Weiss J.C., Natarajan S., Peissig P.L., et al. Machine learning for personalized medicine: Predicting primary myocardial infarction from electronic health records // AI Magazine. 2012. № 33. P. 33–45.
  2. Sakhibgareeva M., Zaozersky A. Developing an artificial intelligence-based system for medical prediction // Bulletin of RSMU. 2017. № 6. P. 40−43.
  3. Donovan A. 21 sustainability innovations that might just change the world. (дата обращения: 1.04.2022). Доступ по ссылке:
  4. Knight W. 5 big predictions for artificial intelligence in 2017 // MIT Technology. 2017. № 24001. P. 2−4.

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© Ermakov A.K., Trusova D.E., Gradaleva E.A., Hafiyatullina E.R., 2022

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Эта статья доступна по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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