Methods of evaluation cadaveric donor cornea for keratoplasty

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In the present for a large part of patients with corneal pathology necessarily the keratoplasty therefore there is a quite high demand of constant stock donor corneas. In this article methods of analysis cadaver donor corneal material in sequence that necessary for qualitative assessment before surgery or for the choice of the optimal method of preservation in the Eye Bank are described. As we know, cornea endothelium cells and its viability perform a major role in maintaining of clarity transplanted corneal flap after penetrating keratoplasty and endothelial keratoplasty. We need the highest quality of donor material with the storage of a large number of viable cornea endothelium cells for these types of keratoplasty. Corneal flaps with the worst quality of endothelial layer can be successfully used for different types of anterior lamellar keratoplasty and inter lamellar keratoplasty. Therefore the adequate evaluation of donor corneal material before surgery reduces the risk of postoperative complications associated with the unfitness of the cornea endothelial layer and increases the viability of the transplant in postoperative period. In addition, the choice of the optimal type of preservation for the maintaining of biologically valuable corneal material in the long run for various types of transplants make a figure in its accessibility.

About the authors

Ekaterina Andreevna Budnikova

Federal State Scientific Institution Research Institute of Eye Diseases

Author for correspondence.

Аспирант, лаборант-исследователь отдела патологии роговицы

Russian Federation, 119021, Москва, ул. Россолимо, 11, А, Б

Sergey Vladimirovich Trufanov

Federal State Scientific Institution Research Institute of Eye Diseases


д.м.н., ведущий научный сотрудник, и.о. заведующего отделом патологии роговицы

Russian Federation, 119021, Москва, ул. Россолимо, 11, А, Б

Vera Nikolaevna Rozinova

Federal State Scientific Institution Research Institute of Eye Diseases


к.м.н., старший научный сотрудник отдела патологии роговицы

Russian Federation, 119021, Москва, ул. Россолимо, 11, А, Б

Gregory Al'bertovich Osipyan

Federal State Scientific Institution Research Institute of Eye Diseases


к.м.н., старший научный сотрудник отдела патологии роговицы

Russian Federation, 119021, Москва, ул. Россолимо, 11, А, Б

Tatiana Sergeevna Mitichkina

Federal State Scientific Institution Research Institute of Eye Diseases


к.м.н., старший научный сотрудник отдела рефракционных нарушений

Russian Federation, 119021, Москва, ул. Россолимо, 11, А, Б


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Copyright (c) Budnikova E.A., Trufanov S.V., Rozinova V.N., Osipyan G.A., Mitichkina T.S.

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