The comparison of tunnel corneal incision performed with femtosecond laser and keratome




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Purpose. To compare and evaluate three-plane clear cornea incision (CCI) created with a femtosecond laser (Victus, B&L) and a metal keratome (2,2 mm steel). Materials and Mehtods. Sixty eyes of 60 patients were examined using anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) in early postoperative period (1 day, 1 week, 1 month) after phacoemulsification surgery. Images were used to measure incision length and incidence of epithelial or endothelial gaping, Descemet membrane detachment. Results. In the femtosecond group (34 eyes) the mean CCI length was 2.02 ± 0.05 mm versus keratome group (26 eyes) 2.04 ± 0.43mm. In laser group all incisions (100 %) were three-plane. In keratome group with manual incisions only 23 % were three-plane, 57.7 % were two-plane and 19.3 % were one-plane. Comparison of morphological features of femtosecond and keratome group: endothelial gaping 20.5 % versus 23 %, epithelial gaping 8.8 % versus 19 %. Descemet membrane detachment 17.6 % versus 34 %, respectively. Conclusion. All eyes in femtosecond group had three-plane profile visible on AS-OCT. Femtosecond CCIs showed better tunnel morphology compared to keratome group. Multiplane profile and minimal damaging of CCI will improve safety in the postoperative period.




Yuriy Takhtaev

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I Mechnikov

doctor of medical science, head of department. Ophthalmology department

Yulduz Nizametdinova

City Multifield Hospital No 2

MD, ophthalmologist

Sergey Shukhaev

IR & TC “Eye Microsurgery” named after academician S.N. Fyodorov, Saint Petersburg Branch

MD, ophthalmologist


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