Pseudoexfoliation syndrome and ocular adnexa




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Pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEX) is a relatively widespread generalized age-related disease of the connective tissue. Therefore, it is reasonable to evaluate the condition of ocular adnexa in patients with PEX. The purpose of the study. To evaluate the state of ocular adnexal tissue in PEX. Methods. Both eyes of 66 patients with PEX and of 64 control individuals were examined in this prospective study. We evaluated the function of the upper eyelid levator muscles and the lower eyelid retractors, horizontal lid laxity (HLL), canthal integrity, degree of retractor disinsertion, and orbicularis muscle tone. Results. The HLL, degree of retractor disinsertion, and the laxity of the medial canthal tendon were statistically expressed in patients with PEX (p < 0.05). However, the orbicularis muscle tone and the function of the lower eyelid retractors were statistically lower in these patients (p < 0.05). The function of the upper eyelid levator muscles, tone of the lateral canthal tendon and degree of ptosis was found to be similar in both groups. Conclusion. Signs of atonic changes in ocular adnexa are relatively more common in patients with PEX (p < 0.05).




Vitaly Potemkin

First Pavlov State Medical University of St Petersburg


MD, PhD, assistant professor


Vyacheslav Rakhmanov

First Pavlov State Medical University of St Petersburg




Elena Ageeva

First Pavlov State Medical University of St Petersburg




Aisa Alchinova

First Pavlov State Medical University of St Petersburg




Elena Meshveliani

First Pavlov State Medical University of St Petersburg





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