Statement of death in Russian legislation (critical analysis of article 66 of federal law «On fundamental healthcare principles in the Russian Federation» of 21.11.2011 №323-FL)




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Aim. Analysis of some controversial provisions of Article (Art.) 66 «Determination of the Moment of Death of a Person and of Termination of Resuscitation Activities» of Federal law «On Fundamental Healthcare Principles in the Russian Federation» of November 21, 2011 №323-FL (FL 323) directly concerning the issue of death of a person, and justification of making amendments to the title and text of the above mentioned norm.

Due to the absence of definition of the concept of «death» in FL 323, the author presents his own definition of death of a person. The used term «the moment of death of a person» as a determinant/indicator of the occurrence of death seems to be erroneous. This term cannot be extended to the fact of biological death. Under FL 323, death of the brain is considered to be equivalent to death of a person and today is inextricably linked with organ transplantation. However, in reality it is not so, and in this sense it is a typical juridical fiction that justifies legal removal of organs from living patients. Amendments to the title and wording of Article 66 FL 323 are proposed.




Igor’ Boyko

Ryazan State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4017-9802
SPIN 代码: 1937-1997
Researcher ID: B-2532-2019

MD, PhD, Professor, Professor of the Department of Histology, Pathological Anatomy and Medical Genetics

俄罗斯联邦, Ryazan


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