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心理治疗以及临床和心理干预的有效性取决于各种因素:专家的技能和特点;症状的诊断和严重程度;患者/客户的社会和个人特征;心理治疗接触的参数。治疗遗传学是分子遗传学与心理治疗交叉领域的应用研究领域,  它检查了心理治疗干预(无)成功的分子遗传预测因子。





Anna Faustova

Ryazan State Medical University

Email: anne.faustova@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8264-3592
SPIN 代码: 5869-7409
Researcher ID: AAS-5395-2020

PhD in Psychology, Head of the Department of Clinical Psychology

俄罗斯联邦, 390026, Ryazan, 9, Vysokovol'tnaya str.

Michael Wang

University of Leicester

Email: anne.faustova@gmail.com

Honorary Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist, Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology



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