



This article is a brief historical review of distraction osteogenesis development in hand surgery. It describes the key steps in the evolution of methods beginning with immobilization and external fixation up to the distraction method in orthopaedics and its introduction in hand surgery.


Vladimir Zavarukhin

FSBI “Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics n. a. H. Turner” of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation

research associate of the department of reconstructive microsurgery and hand surgery.

Sergey Golyana

FSBI “Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics n. a. H. Turner” of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation

Ph.D, scientific advisor of the department of reconstructive microsurgery and hand surgery.

Anton Govorov

FSBI “Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics n. a. H. Turner” of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation

research associate of the department of reconstructive microsurgery and hand surgery. FSBI “Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics n. a. H. Turner” of Health Ministry of the Russian


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