



Objectives. The objective of study was to assess the effectiveness of transplantation of m. flexor carpi ulnaris tendon on the place of m. extensor carpi radialis brevis / longus (Green operation) to eliminate the deficit of active wrist joint extension in children with cerebral palsy. Materials and methods. The present study is based on a survey of children with cerebral palsy with affected upper limb. The main criterion for selection of patients was the presence of active extension deficit in the wrist joint, both isolated and in combination with other contractures of the upper limb joints. Total 22 patients with spastic forms of cerebral palsy were examined. Results and conclusions. Green operation is a good method of surgical treatment of active extension deficit in the wrist joint in patients with cerebral palsy. In the presence of moderately severe contractures in the wrist joint, serial casting can eliminate them completely. Presence of a fixed pronation contracture of the forearm is a factor that reduces the effectiveness of FCU transplantation. Pronation contracture should be corrected before or during Green surgery. FCU transplantation is effective for children of any age, but its effectiveness is reduced from 12 years old.


Vladimir Novikov

FSBI “Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics n. a. G. I. Turner” under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

MD, research associate of the department of infantile cerebral palsy

Valery Umnov

FSBI “Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics n. a. G. I. Turner” under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: umnovvv@gmail.com
MD, PhD, DMedSc, head of the department of infantile cerebral palsy

Alexei Zvozil

FSBI “Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics n. a. G. I. Turner” under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: zvosil@mail.ru
MD, PhD, senior research associate of the department of infantile cerebral palsy


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