Giant congenital melanocytic nevus of the face. A clinical case report




This article describes a rare case of congenital anomalies: giant melanocytic nevus of the face. Errors in the choice of treatment strategy of children with this disease and their complications can lead to poor aesthetic and functional results. When choosing a method of plastic eliminate defects formed after removal of nevi, it is necessary to take into account anatomical features of the maxillofacial region. The department developed the scheme of complex treatment of these patients. Surgical treatment in combination with massage and myogymnastics, regular medical observation, provides a good aesthetic results. Integrated approach in the treatment of children with giant nevi of the face allows for an early medico-social rehabilitation of children with this pathology.


Margarita Tsyplakova

The Turner Institute for Children’s Orthopedics, Saint-Petersburg

MD, PhD, associate professor, senior research associate of the department of maxillofacial surgery. The Turner Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics. 俄罗斯联邦

Anna Usoltseva

The Turner Institute for Children’s Orthopedics, Saint-Petersburg

MD, PhD student of the department of maxillofacial surgery. The Turner Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics. 俄罗斯联邦

Yulia Stepanova

The Turner Institute for Children’s Orthopedics, Saint-Petersburg

MD, PhD, chief of the department of maxillofacial surgery. The Turner Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics 俄罗斯联邦


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版权所有 © Tsyplakova M.S., Usoltseva A.S., Stepanova Y.V., 2015

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