Diagnosis and treatment of infectious and inflammatory complications in the urinary and genital organs of the patients with concomitant injury




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The article describes the experience of diagnosis and treatment of associated injuries with lesions of the urinary and genital organs. Infectious and inflammatory complications of the urinary and genital organs significantly worsen the clinical course of associated injuries. It is indicated that the improvement of outcomes of prevention and treatment of infectious and inflammatory complications is possible in determining the composition of the microflora and antibiotic susceptibility of urine at an accelerated rate, holding lymphotropic antibiotic therapy and adequate restoration of the flow of urine from the bladde.




Dilshod Solikhov

Avicenna Tajik State Medical University

Email: 49@tadjmedun.tj
doctor of medical science, head of the Urology Department

Islom Umanov

Avicenna Tajik State Medical University

Email: 49@tadjmedun.tj
postgraduate, Urology Department


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版权所有 © Solikhov D.N., Umanov I.G., 2014

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