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卷 5, 编号 4 (2015)


The study of the anatomy of the urogenital system. From antiquity to the our days

Fedorov D., Mokazhanova N., Kuzmin I.


The article describes the main stages of the study of the anatomy of the urinary system, as well as the evolution of the human body imaging. It presents the most significant discoveries in this area of outstanding scientists from antiquity to the our days in chronological order.
Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2015;5(4):3-7
pages 3-7 views

The effect of low-intensity laser radiation on semen parameters in patients with chronic prostatitis

Al-Shukri S., Kuzmin I., Slesarevskaya M., Sokolov A.


This study includes 208 patients with chronic prostatitis (average age 38,3 ± 8,5 years). To the patients of the main group (n = 112) in addition to standard therapy was prescribed low-intensity laser therapy. To the patients of control group (n = 96) was done the standard treatment only. After the treatment of all patients was performed the ejaculate control study, which showed a positive effect of the treatment. Oligozoospermia I-III level before treatment was detected in 17 (15,2 %) patients of the main group and after treatment only in 7 (6.3 %) patients, asthenozoospermia - in 13 (11.6 %) and 3 (2.7 %) respectively. There was no positive effect to the patients with necrospermia.
Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2015;5(4):8-12
pages 8-12 views

Pro-inflammatory cytokines in determining of the activi phase severity of chronic pyelonephritis

Korenkov D., Marusanov V., Mishina T., Pavlov A.


Diagnosis of exacerbation of active phase of chronic pyelonephritis in accordance with the concept of the role of the immune system in forming and further aggravation of the inflammatory process is an important task. The aim of this study was to determine the severity of exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis by examining changes in the level of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Presents results of a study of the content of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the urine collected from the ureter, bladder, and in blood plasma in patients with exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis. Proven to be highly informative of the level of iL-8 in urine from the ureter and the safety of catheterization of the ureter during exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, which allowed for a differentiated therapy depending on the severity of the inflammatory process, to improve the results of treatment.
Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2015;5(4):13-19
pages 13-19 views

The treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis in experiment by peptides of the prostate gland

Gorbachev A., Tyurin A.


In experimental models of acute and chronic prostatitis consider questions of pathogenesis of inflammation in the prostate and prostatic mechanism of therapeutic action of peptides.
Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2015;5(4):20-26
pages 20-26 views

Acupuncture in the treatment of patients with interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome

Ignashov Y., Kuzmin I., Deng B., Slesarevskaya M.


In the review article analyzes the literature on the efficacy of acupuncture in the treatment of patients with interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome (IC/PBS). Most studies have shown the clinical effectiveness of acupuncture in these patients. It shows that acupuncture is perceived to be effective in treating IC, reducing symptoms of pain, frequency, urgency and nocturia by around half. The main advantage of acupuncture is the absence of side effects.
Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2015;5(4):27-29
pages 27-29 views

Peyronie’s disease

Moskaleva Y., Ostapchenko A., Korneyev I.


In a review article presents current data of the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of Peyronie's disease.
Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2015;5(4):30-35
pages 30-35 views

Inhibitors of 5-α-reductase in the treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia

Tkachuk V., Tkachuk I., Iziev M.


The literature review deals with modern principles of treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) by inhibitors of 5-α-reductase. The data is about the indications for use of these drugs and the results of the treatment. In the article are listed side effects of using inhibitors of 5-α-reductase.
Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2015;5(4):36-42
pages 36-42 views

Laparoscopic nerve-sparing cystoprostatectomy with intracorporeal orthotopic sigmoid neobladder formation

Al-Shukri S., Zaharenko A., Al-Shukri A., Nevirovich Y., Dubinskiy V., Potapova M.


The following clinical case is presented: performing of minimally invasive laparoscopic nerve-sparing cystoprostatectomy with intracorporeal orthotopic sigmoid neobladder formation for patient aged 62 with invasive bladder cancer. This case proves that the performed method of urine derivation is safe and can be used as alternative to other techniques in patients who underwent radical laparoscopic cystoprostatectomy.
Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2015;5(4):43-48
pages 43-48 views
