


After 40 years at people decrease in a pool of pluripotent stem cells and increase of risk of development of oncological diseases is observed.To 11 patients aged from 52 till 76 years with a cancer of a kidney, bladder, prostatic gland III-IV stages of disease the chemotherapy or target therapy was carried out. To 4 patients of 60-82 years for restoration of regeneration it was carried out from 4 to 7 transfusions of mononuclear fraction of peripheral blood from young donors of 18-23 years, same-gender and blood types with recipients.In 1 month after carrying out chemotherapy or target therapy after development of a leukopenia in 11 patients the level of the bFGF increased on average by 1,74 times. At 4 patients from them the increase in level of the human VEGF-A on average by 1,25 times was observed, the 3rd of them had an increase in the human EGF on average by 1,13 times. In 3-6 months after the last transfusion of mononuclear fraction of peripheral blood the maintenance of hemopoietic cells predecessors of Cd34+ in peripheral blood increased on average by 3,25 times. At 4 patients the level of the bFGF decreased on average by 1,78 times, at 2 patients from them reduction of level of the human VEGF-A on average by 1,48 times was observed, the 3rd of them had a reduction an human EGF on average by 4,12 times. At all 4 patients in a buccal epithelium to decrease in an expression of p53 on average by 6,02 times, at the 3rd of them to decrease in an expression of Bcl-2 on average by 60,0 times.Violation of updating of tissues is the main reason for development of carcinogenesis in people is more senior than 40 years. The excess stimulation of mitotic activity at them can be reduced to normal level by means of restoration of number of a pool of pluripotent stem cells at transfusion of mononuclear fraction of peripheral blood from young donors of 18-23 years of identical with the recipient by blood types and a sex (The patent of the Russian Federation № 2350340).




A Pechersky

North-West State Medical university named after I.I. Mechnicov

V Pechersky

North-West State Medical university named after I.I. Mechnicov

A Smolyaninov

North-West State Medical university named after I.I. Mechnicov

V Velyaninov

North-West State Medical university named after I.I. Mechnicov

S Adylov

North-West State Medical university named after I.I. Mechnicov

A Shmelev

North-West State Medical university named after I.I. Mechnicov

O Pecherskaya

North-West State Medical university named after I.I. Mechnicov

V Semiglazov

N.N. Petrov Scientific-Research Institute of Oncology


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版权所有 © Pechersky A.V., Pechersky V.I., Smolyaninov A.B., Velyaninov V.N., Adylov S.F., Shmelev A.Y., Pecherskaya O.V., Semiglazov V.F., 2015

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