Cyclo-prolylalanine: the neuroprotective and antioxidative properties on the model of acute cerebral disease in rats

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The neuroprotective and antioxidative properties of the new neuroactive peptide cyclo-prolylalanine (DKP-9) were studied on the model of acute cerebral disease (ACD, irreversible bilateral carotid occlusion) in rats. Under the conditions of intranasal administration in the therapeutic mode at the doses 0.02 mg/kg or 0.1 mg/kg peptide DKP-9 has increased rats’ survival rate to 40% or 70% respectively. Increase of the DKP-9 dose to 1 mg/kg reduced the protective effect of it. Peptide DKP-9 has effective decreased the neurological and cognitive deficits in acute period of ACD (4 days) exceeding the reference drug semax (0.1 mg/kg, intranasally in same treatment mode). Under the conditions of open-field test the sedative properties of DKP-9 and also the ability of it to reduce rats’ stress-induced anxious reactions were established. Antioxidative properties of DKP-9 are followed by increase of the reduced glutathione level, normalize of the catalase activity, decrease of the level of lipid peroxidation products as well as increase of the brain neurons’ energy metabolism. The further investigation of mechanism of cyclo-prolylalanine (DKP-9) action on the pathogenic links of ischemic cascade is perspective.

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About the authors

Roman D Deiko

National University of Pharmacy

Author for correspondence.
Junior research fellow Russian Federation

Sergii Yu Shtrygol

National University of Pharmacy

head of pharmacology department Russian Federation

Alexandr A Kolobov

Institute of Highly Pure Biopreparations

head of peptide chemistry laboratory Russian Federation

Andrey S Simbirtsev

Institute of Highly Pure Biopreparations

Director, corresponding member of RAS, doctor of medical sciences, professor Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2016 Deiko R.D., Shtrygol S.Y., Kolobov A.A., Simbirtsev A.S.

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