A new approach to understanding structure, functions and classificasion of GABA-benzodiazepine receptor complex, a molecular target for creation of new anticonvulsants on the base of inhibitory amino acids

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The GABA molecule was shown to the methods of quantum mechanic characteristics and molecular geometry has three conformational states: linear (GABA-1 conformer), cyclic (GABA-2 comformer) and bucket-like (GABA-3 conformer). The play different functions in the brain neurons: cyclic and bucket-like conformers play role of endogenous transmitters, and linear conformer participates in neuronal metabolism. The theoretical conformational analysis shows there are two types of GABA receptors in the CNS neurons: GABA-2 receptors, agonists of which are cyclic conformer of GABA, glycine and β-alanine and antagonists are bemegride, pentilentetrazol and strychnine; and GABA-3 receptors, agonists of which is bucket-like conformer of GABA and antagonists are picrotoxin and bicuculline. Anticonvulsive and other behavioral effects of derivatives of barbituric acid, benzazepine, benzodiazepine, gidantoine, succinimide and oxasolidindione are realized probably via GABA-2 receptors to switch on them the following functional centers of their structure are nessesary: α, γ and [δ-ε] for barbitirates; β, [δ-ε] and γ for carbamazepine; β and [δ-ε] for benzodiazepine derivatives, gabapentine and vigabatrine; α, β, γ and [δ-ε] for gidantoine and oxasolidindione derivatives; α, β, γ for succinimide derivatives. The power of any behavioral effect of anticonvulsants and inhibitory amino acids depends on power, location and numbers of hydrogen bounds developed between active centers of pharmacophore of anticonvulsant or inhibitory amino acids and active centers of functional skeleton of GABA-2 receptor complex, these properties determine absense of nootropic activity in anticonvulsive drugs and presense of them in inhibitory amino acids. It is concluded there are perspectives of synthesis of conpounds, pharmacophore of which should be like as cyclic conformer of GABA, glycine and β-alanine on their quantum mechanic characteristics and molecular geometry

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About the authors

Georgii N. Shilov

Belorussian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Author for correspondence.
Email: george_shilau@mail.ru


Russian Federation

Oleg N. Bubel

Belorussian State University

Email: george_shilau@mail.ru
PhD, Assistant Professor Russian Federation

Petr D. Shabanov

SM Kirov Military Medical Academy

Email: pdshabanov@mail.ru

MD, PhD, Professor

Russian Federation


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