Сomparative characteristics of induced sputum cellular composition in patients with mild and moderate stable COPD, patients with chronic bronchitis and smokers

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Comparative characteristics of induced sputum cellular composition in 11mild and 12 moderate stable COPD patients, 30 patients with chronic bronchitis and 13 smokers have been studied. Patients with mild stable COPD were found to have increased absolute number of all cells, including neutrophils and macrophages in the induced sputum in comparison with patients with chronic bronchitis. The inflammatory process in the lungs increases along with airflow limitation degree


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Copyright (c) 2011 Medvedev I.D., Ishina T.I., Makarova O.V., Makhnach G.K., Nikonova E.V., Sidorova E.I., Podzolkov V.I., Medvedev I.D., Ishina T.I., Makarova O.V., Nikonova E.V., Mahnach G.K., Sidorova E.I., Podzolkov V.I.

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