Florence Nightingle - a lady with the light. A symbol of mercy



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In the history of medicine there are many famous personalities whose life has been attracting the attention of people for many centuries. One of these famouse figures is Florence Nightingale. The year 2020 is very special in this connection: due to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, 2020 has been declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the International Year of Nursing and Midwifery Services. In this article, the authors will consider the biography, achievements, activities and interesting facts from the life of Florence Nightingale.




T. Snegireva

Russian University of people’s friendship

N. Kostcova

Russian University of people’s friendship


  1. Florence Nightingale. Notes on nursing: what it is, and what it is not. Harrison and Sons, 1859. Флоренс Найтингейл. Заметки по уходу: что это, а что нет. Харрисон и сыновья, 1859.
  2. Sir Edward Cook. The Life Of Florence Nightingale. Macrnillan and Co., 1913. Сэр Эдвард Кук. Жизнь Флоренс Найтингейл. Macrnillan and Co., 1913.
  3. Helen M. Walker. Studies in the history of statistical method, with special refference to certain educational problems. The Williams and Wilkins Company, 1929. Хелен М. Уокер. Изучение истории статистического метода с особым вниманием к определенным образовательным проблемам. Компания Уильямса и Уилкинса, 1929.
  4. http://www.euro.who.int/ru/media-centre/events/ events/2020/01/year-of-the-nurse-and-the-midwife-2020.
  5. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Найтингейл,_Флоренс
  6. Ruffolo D. C. Florence Nightingale, Her Call to Care (англ.). Nurse Link, 2007, 1(2): 1-3. luhs.org. (Дата обращения 15.03.20)
  7. Найтингейл Флоренс / Л. А. Станкевич // Большая советская энциклопедия: [в 30 т.] / гл. ред. А. М. Прохоров. - 3-е изд. - М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1969-1978.



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