Cycling test in the diagnostics of hidden heart rate disorders



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The article is devoted to the issue of the safety of carrying out a diagnostic procedure with a dosed physical activity to detect latent heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias) in a patient. Under stress or increased physical exertion, a sudden arrhythmia can lead to an acute violation of hemodynamics, and in the absence of emergency assistance to the patient, to his death. To simulate the conditions in which the patient finds himself, the method of functional diagnostics, which is widely used in medical practice, is bicycle ergometry. Since the sample is associated with the risk of developing life-threatening conditions, the medical specialists must have not only special knowledge, skills and abilities, but carefully follow the procedure for selecting patients, taking into account the indications and contraindications for performing the sample, and also know the criteria for stopping the sample and the basic rules for the provision of emergency medical help.




Yulia Solodyannikova

12th Clinical and Diagnostic Center Russian Defense Ministry

Email: j'
head of the Diagnostic Department, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics

Elena Solovyanovich

12th Clinical and Diagnostic Center Russian Defense Ministry

Head of the Department of Functional Diagnostics (OFD)

Tatiana Trushcheleva

12th Clinical and Diagnostic Center Russian Defense Ministry

doctor of the OFD

Irina Yudina

12th Clinical and Diagnostic Center Russian Defense Ministry

CRF doctor

Oxana Gatilova

12th Clinical and Diagnostic Center Russian Defense Ministry

senior nurse of the OFD


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