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卷 21, 编号 7 (2019)


Current issues in the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism

Skvortsov V., Tumarenko A., Vvedensky S., Belova Y., Elistratov D.


The paper presents main etiological hypotheses and considers the pathogenesis of hyperthyroidism. The authors have studied diagnostic standards when examining patients with this suspected pathology.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2019;21(7):3-7
pages 3-7 views

Chronic bronchitis

Mukhtarov T., Skvortsov V.


The paper gives the concepts of the ethology, pathogenesis, and therapy of chronic bronchitis, as well as the comparative characteristics of antibacterial drugs in the treatment of exacerbations.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2019;21(7):8-11
pages 8-11 views

Dermatomyositis as a representative of systemic diseases

Molchanova I., Skvortsov V., Tumarenko A.


The paper presents the classification, etiology, pathogenesis, approaches to the diagnosis of dermatomyositis, a systemic connective tissue disease.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2019;21(7):12-15
pages 12-15 views

Oral candidiasis and its local therapy

Khalilova U., Tumarenko A., Skvortsov V.


The paper gives information about candidiasis, an infectious disease caused by yeast-like fungi that belong to the genus Candida. The clinical manifestations of mycosis vary widely from superficial, mild lesions of the skin and mucous membranes to severe, life-threatening invasive visceral forms.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2019;21(7):16-21
pages 16-21 views

Diagnosis and treatment of Gilbert’s syndrome

Pashkov P., Skvortsov V., Tumarenko A., Mukhtarov T.


Даются основные понятия синдрома Жильбера -разновидности доброкачественной непрямой гипер-билирубинемии.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2019;21(7):22-24
pages 22-24 views


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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2019;21(7):26-27
pages 26-27 views

Felty’s syndrome

Vvedensky S., Khalilova U., Skvortsov V., Belova Y.


The paper describes Felty’s syndrome (FS) as one of the special variants of systemic rheumatoid arthritis in adults. SF occurs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in the range from 1 to 5%. In this case, this syndrome most commonly manifests itself in women older than 40 years.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2019;21(7):28-31
pages 28-31 views

Duodenal ulcer

Skvortsov V., Lunkov M., Skvortsova E.


The paper highlights the etiology, classification, pathogenesis, and clinical symptoms of duodenal ulcer, and approaches to its diagnosis and effective complex therapy.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2019;21(7):32-37
pages 32-37 views

The role of a healthy child’s room nurse in forming a child’s physical and psychological well-being

Nemtyreva L., Grigoryev K., Balashova I.


The paper analyzes the activities of nurses in the healthy child rooms of Moscow children’s polyclinics, who work to optimize counseling and to improve the quality of preventive work.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2019;21(7):38-43
pages 38-43 views

Human immunodeficiency virus-associated nephropathy

Poselyugina O., Korichkina L., Borodina V., Al-Galban L.


The paper considers modern ideas about human immunodeficiency virus-associated nephropathy. It discloses the features of pathogenesis and clinical manifestations and the subtleties of diagnosis and treatment of this pathology.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2019;21(7):44-47
pages 44-47 views

Balint groups as prevention of occupational burnout in nurses

Snegireva T., Shadrina Y.


The paper presents the possibilities of using the Balint group method to prevent occupational burnout in nurses under growing modern requirements for health care staff.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2019;21(7):48-50
pages 48-50 views
pages 50-50 views
pages 50-50 views

Paramedic Experience

Tsyganovkina L.


The rural medical infrastructure has recently begun to revive, in particular within the framework of the Federal Program “Sustainable Development of Rural Areas” (in force since 2014); new feldsher-midwife stations (FMS) are being set up; the existing one are being overhauled, reequipped; and programs for attracting young specialists are being worked out. The paper highlights the experience of the midwife of FMS in the Novo-Lisino Village.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2019;21(7):51-54
pages 51-54 views

Hunter syndrome

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2019;21(7):54-56
pages 54-56 views

How to check the authenticity and quality of the drug?

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2019;21(7):56-56
pages 56-56 views