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卷 23, 编号 8 (2021)


Deontological aspects in nursing practice

Dvoinikov S., Arkhipova S., Masin A.


Nursing is an extraordinarily complex job. The article is devoted to the problem of compliance with the principles of ethics and deontology in nursing: analyzes the understanding of the importance of ethics issues by bachelor of nursing students and their readiness to implement them in their professional practice. The findings reveal that nurses’ own unethical behaviors contribute to a rise in ethical problems. It is argued that nurses should internalize their professional and ethical roles in order to provide safe and ethical care and be good role models for students.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2021;23(8):3-6
pages 3-6 views

Kak izbavit'sya ot khrapa

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2021;23(8):6-6
pages 6-6 views

Prevention of emotional burnout syndrome in medical college students specializing in nursing

Potupchik T., Korman Y.


The article discusses the concept of emotional burnout syndrome, the causes of its development in students. The methods of identification, criteria and indicators of emotional burnout syndrome, methods of prevention are described, recommendations for students are given. The article presents a study conducted among 258 students of the 1st-4th year of the specialty «Nursing» of the Pharmaceutical College of the Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, the purpose of which was to identify the level of emotional burnout syndrome among students. The research method was a questionnaire on the Maslach burnout questionnaire. The results of the study showed that 64% of 1st year students have an average level, 14% have a low level and 22% have a high level of emotional burnout. 54% of 2nd year students have a low level, 35% have an average level and 11% have a high level of emotional burnout. 55% of 3rd year students have a low level, 29% have an average level and 16% have a high level of emotional burnout. Of the graduate students surveyed, 13% have a low level, 57% have an average level and 30% have a high level of emotional burnout. The results of the study showed that the 1st and 4th year students have a higher degree of emotional burnout than the 2nd and 3rd year students, which is due to the 1st year students’ adaptation to learning in a new format for them, and the final courses - preparation and passage of the state final certification. The results of the study confirm that during the educational activity. Of the graduate students surveyed, 13% have a low level, 57% have an average level and 30% have a high level of emotional burnout. The results of the study showed that the 1st and 4th year students have a higher degree of emotional burnout than the 2nd and 3rd year students, which is due to the 1st year students’ adaptation to learning in a new format for them, and the final courses - preparation and passage of the state final certification. The results of the study confirm that during educational activities it is necessary to carry out preventive measures to reduce the risk of emotional burnout syndrome.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2021;23(8):7-11
pages 7-11 views

Coronavirus infection in primary care practice

Povalyaeva L., Sutyagin A., Zhilinskaya K., Shubina A.


The number of patients with suspected new coronavirus infection continues to grow. The work of a primary care physician and a nurse consists in the appropriate tactics of examining a patient with suspected COVID-19 infection. It is important to plan the examination and monitoring correctly, determine the place of treatment of the patient (outpatient treatment or inpatient), prescribe outpatient treatment. The main task of the doctor is to cure the patient, to prevent deterioration of the condition. If necessary, correctly determine the indications for hospitalization and send them to a specialized hospital. Patients with oxygen saturation in peripheral blood of less than 95%, pneumonia with a damage of more than 20% of lung tissue, confirmed by computed tomography of the lungs, aged over 65 years, with a temperature above 38° C for more than 3 days, in the presence of chronic diseases are sent to the hospital. Outpatient treatment is prescribed in accordance with the temporary guidelines «Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)» (TG) and the general condition of the patient. Monitoring continues throughout the observation period until full recovery. The criterion of cure necessarily includes a negative PCR result for SARS-CoV-2.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2021;23(8):12-15
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Gastrointestinal tract damage under Covid-19 conditions

Skvortsov V., Durnoglazova K.


This review is devoted to the issues of the clinical picture, approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases in the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2021;23(8):16-19
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Features of feeding children with very low and extremely low body weight

Lopatina T.


This article reflects the basic principles of feeding premature babies, taking into account anatomical and physiological features and the function of a nurse in the prevention of side effects. Special attention is paid to ensuring infectious safety and reducing the risk of complications in children with very low and extremely low body weight.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2021;23(8):20-25
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To the question about detergents for sanitary and hygienic treatment in a multi-profile hospital

Morozov A., Novikova N., Kargaltseva A., Popova A.


In the modern world, asepsis and antiseptics occupy one of the key positions in surgery. In clinical practice, these areas are mutually complementary and inseparable from each other. Destruction or reduction of the number of pathogenic microorganisms on objects of inanimate nature is called disinfection. There are such groups of disinfectants as: halogen-containing, oxygen-containing, surfactants, guanidines, alcohols, aldehyde-containing compounds. The variety of tasks facing disinfectants dictate the need to use substances that have both effectiveness, safety and a number of different special properties, such as bactericidal, fungicidal, virucidal, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the effect of disinfectants on the skin of medical personnel, aggressive bactericidal agents lead to irritation of the skin of the hands and, over time, the formation of allergic reactions. It is impossible to single out an ideal group of disinfectants that would be universal, each group has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to note that the use of disinfectants must first of all be safe for medical personnel and patients, not cause unwanted side effects and at the same time be effective in relation to hospital microflora.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2021;23(8):26-30
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Personal protective equipment during the spread of a coronavirus infection COVID-19

Vdoushkina E., Povalyaev E., Sukhanova A.


In connection with the spread of a new coronavirus infection the question of means of protection against this infection not only of workers of medical organizations, but also of citizens, especially persons over 65 years of age and those working in the service sector, has become acute. Transmission of the virus SARS-CoV-2 occurs more often by airborne droplets between people with close contact through an aerosol - «small drops» that a patient releases when coughing, sneezing or talking. A distance of 1 m between people is considered safe. Depending on the type of work performed professional groups are divided into the following categories of risk of coronavirus infection: extremely high occupational risk; high professional risk; average occupational risk; small professional risk. Personal protective equipment (PPE) for ordinary citizens includes masks, gloves, antiseptics. Survey were conducted on social networks, 360 people took part in the survey. At the time of the start of the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection 83.3% of respondents experienced a shortage of personal protective equipment, 48.9% observed the rules for using PPE, 38.9% believed that masks didn’t protect against the virus; used the mask for several days 60%; 28.9% of respondents had cases in a circle of acquaintances In a similar survey a year later compliance with the rules for the use of PPE increased to 89.9%, especially their use in public places, only 16% believe that masks do not protect against the virus. The accessibility of purchasing masks, the possibility of obtaining them for free has improved. The number of persons using a mask for several days has decreased, 72.2% of respondents use disposable masks, a respirator is used by 27.8% of people. The presence of sick people in the bosom of family and relatives is noted by 88.9%. Confidence and awareness of the need to wear masks, especially in public places, has increased significantly. A large role in this is assigned to the mass media, the explanatory work of doctors. Personal protective equipment and vaccinations are now fully available to the public.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2021;23(8):31-34
pages 31-34 views

Acute mushroom poisoning

Kutsenko V., Kovaleva D., Mironova N., Peresada E., Seliverstov P.


Fungi are a special type of organisms that are ubiquitous. Their spores retain their ability to function for a long time. Mushrooms cannot be called dietary food in any way. In this regard, people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases should be careful about including mushroom dishes in their diet. The cause of mushroom poisoning can be both actually and conditionally poisonous mushrooms of many species. Poisoning often occurs as a result of inept or incomplete culinary processing. However, poisoning is also possible with quite edible mushrooms, since the old fruit bodies contain protein decomposition products and microorganisms harmful to humans. As is known, various toxins of poisonous mushrooms have a selective effect on individual organs and systems, and symptoms of mushroom poisoning can develop over a long period of time. Nevertheless, the diagnosis of acute mushroom poisoning is based mainly on clinical and anamnestic data. Taking into account the enormous role of the time factor in the development of acute mushroom poisoning, it is important to adequately combat the consequences of poisoning.
Meditsinskaya sestra. 2021;23(8):35-40
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Kak oplachivaetsya sverkhurochnaya rabota meditsinskoy sestry?

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2021;23(8):43-45
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Usloviya naznacheniya dosrochnoy pensii za vyslugu let

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2021;23(8):47-48
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Meditsinskie osmotry sotrudnikov LPU

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2021;23(8):49-49
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Kak gramotno oformit'sya na rabotu v kliniku?

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2021;23(8):50-50
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Esli svodit nogi po nocham

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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2021;23(8):52-52
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Meditsinskaya sestra. 2021;23(8):53-56
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