Lines of research in the field of cellular technologies and its application in military medicine

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The paper presents an overview of cellular therapy products and medical tissue engineering of the leading countries of the world (including the US) and identifies lines of research in the field of cellular technology application in the interests of national military medicine. The authors gave information concerning practical implementation of the achievements of biomedical research in the field of regenerative cellular products and technologies in Russia as different products, which may be used at the stages of medical evacuation. The authors presented results of research, which was, performed on the model of mine blast injury in accordance with principle possibility of the usage of cellular technologies products (multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells) in medical practice.

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Copyright (c) 2015 Chepur S.V., Yudin A.B., Shperling I.A., Yurkevich Y.V., Vengerovich N.G., Shchipanov S.G., Shulepov A.V.

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