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Том 333, № 7 (2012)


Особенности оказания специализированной хирургической помощи раненым в ходе контртеррористических и миротворческой операций на Северном Кавказе

Самохвалов И.М., Бадалов В.И., Гончаров А.В., Алисов П.Г., Северин В.Г., Панов В.В., Колос П.Г.


The organization of surgical care for the wounded in various local wars and armed conflict has its own characteristics, the study of which is necessary to optimize the planning of medical evacuation support of troops. It is based on the concept on an early specialized surgical care. The paper discusses the problematic issues of medical care to the wounded in past peacekeeping operations, and analyze features of specialized surgical care.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(7):4-10
pages 4-10 views

Гипертонический криз: проблема диагностики и подходы к лечению

Фурсов А.Н., Потехин Н.П., Чернов С.А., Верещагина А.В., Захарова Е.Г., Олондарь Н.Н.


Analysis of causes of increase of the uncomplicated hypertensive crisis (HC) from 46 to 61% indicates that in the half of cases the cause was only high ABP with minimal clinical symptomatology. To refer all cases of the catadrome of hypertensive disease to hypertensive crisis is inappropriately. It is recommended to use with such concepts as «complicated» and «uncomplicated» HC also term «catadrome of hypertensive disease (instability of ABP)». It allows to except the hyperdiagnosis of HC and to optimize indication for hospital admission. There are recommendations for medical actions in case of complicated and uncomplicated HC and catadrome of hypertensive disease.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(7):11-15
pages 11-15 views

Направления деятельности медицинской службы по профилактике и раннему выявлению туберкулеза в ВС РФ

Халимов Ю.Ш., Безносик Р.В., Шитов Ю.Н., Данцев В.В., Мучаидзе Р.Д.


The basic directions of system of antituberculous actions in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation includes: 1) non-admission of citizens, sick of tuberculosis, on military service; 2) allocation of group of persons with the raised risk of tuberculosis among all military servicemen, dispensary dynamic supervision over them and carrying out of chemoprophylaxis; 3) revealing of tuberculosis among military servicemen at preventive medical inspections (including fluorography), and also in case of reference for medical aid with the symptoms specifying on possibility of tuberculosis; 4) carrying out antiepidemic actions in military unit, in case of revealing patient, sick of tuberculosis, well-timed, qualitatively and in full. The major stage of antituberculous actions is a profound medical examination of young reinforcement (recruits under service call and under the contract) after the arrival in army. Preventive actions in group of persons with the raised risk of tuberculosis also are a priority for the medical service of military unit. Final desinfection, controllable emergency chemoprophylaxis and extraordinary fluorography of contact persons under epidemic indications are crucial important for decrease of morbidity in the army focuses of tuberculosis.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(7):16-21
pages 16-21 views

Психогенные неврологические расстройства у лиц призывного возраста

Ахметянов Л.А., Овчинников А.В.


The tendency of psychogenetic neurological disorders increases with predominance in young persons being students of high schools, students of military, technical and other lyceum was shown. The origin of diseases are psychotraumas (family, work), stress. Also genetic and hereditary factors take place that are indicative for individual rehabilitation organiz.ation.The basics of psychosomatic diseases pathogenesis are the disintegration mechanisms in brain structure activity,the disorders of integrative apparatus which provides the relationship between somatic, emotional and vegetative functions. The confirmation of brain work disintegration is achieved by modern computer diagnostic systems. As psychogenic diseases increase the need in methods of computer electroencephalography, evoked potentials, and rheoencephalography application is more actual.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(7):22-25
pages 22-25 views

Некоторые эпидемиологические аспекты болезней органов дыхания во внутренних войсках МВД России в 1998—2011 гг

Рыбин В.В., Каськов О.В., Ярославцев В.В., Рихтер В.В., Заволожин В.А., Калашникова А.С., Кузин С.Н.


The authors analyzed the rate of respiratory diseases among the contingent of the in-country forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the last 14 years. It was noted that the rate of respiratory diseases in 2009—2011 is higher than in 1998—2007. It is concerned with cold aggression and factors of intermigling of contingent, and also with mistakes of prevention actions. Improvement of life quality during all types of military service, improvement of prevention measures is necessary for the complex prevention of respiratory diseases.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(7):28-31
pages 28-31 views

Травматизм у военнослужащих Северного флота

Ханкевич Ю.Р., Мызников И.Л., Аскерко Н.В., Сильченко Е.С., Маточкина А.А.


Statistics of the rate of injuries in military men of the North Fleet during 2002—2010 is analyzed. Over the specified period rate of injuries, poisonings and consequences of influence of other external actions was 30,06% among the conscripts, 30,23% among the contract military men. The authors analyzed reasons and circumstances of injuries, prevention measures, and orgnisation of military physician expertise and indemnity insurance for the military men injured during the service. Ways of improvement of the system of injury prevention on the North Fleet are suggested.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(7):32-40
pages 32-40 views

Современные подходы к планированию обеспечения медицинским имуществом войск (сил) в условиях повседневной деятельности

Мирошниченко Ю.В., Горячев А.Б., Красавин К.Д., Тихонов А.В.


There are requirements producing to the planning in modern social and economic conditions: solidarity, participation, continuity, flexibility, accuracy. The authors made a conclusion that the main target of the planning of the medical material support is creating of conditions for highly effective function of the system of medical material support on the basis of long-time forecast of status and development of inner and outer factors.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(7):41-48
pages 41-48 views

Краткие сообщения

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(7):49-64
pages 49-64 views

По страницам зарубежной медицинской печати

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(7):10-10
pages 10-10 views

Медицинская служба вооруженных сил Великобритании (Обзор зарубежных интернет-публикаций)

Агапитов А.А., Болехан В.Н., Ивченко Е.В., Крассий А.Б., Нагибович О.А., Петров С.В., Резванцев М.В.


The present review is dedicated to organization and principles of operation of the Medical service of the Armed Forces of Great Britain. At the beginning of the review a brief description of British Armed Forces and their medical service is presented. Then the particular key elements of the medical service such as the medical services of the Armed Forces major components, inpatient care, medical supplies, research, medical care at an operation theater, medical personnel training are considered. The special attention is paid to the Joint Medical Command formed four years ago as a prototype for the future integration and centralization of the whole medical service. The cooperation with the civil health care has played an increasing role in the organization of British military medicine. That is why the review includes the short description of the major structure of the British civil health care system — the National Health Service.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(7):65-78
pages 65-78 views

Сергей Петрович Фёдоров — основоположник Петербургской хирургической школы

Кнопов М.Ш., Тарануха В.К.


Life and career journey of outstanding national surgeon, talented organizer of healthcare, well-known social activist and founder of the St. Petersburg school of surgery, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR Professor Sergei Petrovich Fyodorov is presented.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(7):79-84
pages 79-84 views

Сигнуманистика медицинских частей и учреждений СевероЗападного региона России

Цымбал А.Н.


Armbands, indicating belonging of the military man to the Armed forces, to separate type, alliance or military unit or department, are an integral part of modern military uniform. Author presents some armbands of military-medical units and departments locating on the North-West of Russia. Different variants of the armbands are suggested. Rules of construction and adoption of the armbands are recommended according to heraldic laws and directive documents. The article allows to learn about famous armbands of military-medical service and is of special interest to further development of heraldic theme of units and departments of medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(7):85-88
pages 85-88 views

Официальный отдел

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(7):89-92
pages 89-92 views
pages 93-94 views

В Объединении ветеранов военно-медицинской службы

Галин Л.Л.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(7):95-96
pages 95-96 views

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