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Том 333, № 8 (2012)


Лицензирование деятельности медицинских подразделений соединений и воинских частей Вооруженных сил РФ

Резванцев М.В., Сушильников С.И., Закурдаев В.В.


The purpose of this article is a synthesis and analysis of laws and regulations on the licensing of medical activities, the study of the current state and problems of licensing of medical units and the development of recommendations for medical directors in conducting the work associated with the licensing of medical activities of medical units of military units and formations of the military districts.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(8):4-12
pages 4-12 views

Акушерско-гинекологическая помощь военнослу-жащим-женщинам: состояние и перспективы

Шмидт А.А., Абашин В.Г.


The article presents the analysis of primary gynecologic pathology in female soldiers for the last years. The basic disease groups are marked out. The information about the very medical help standard in different hospitals is given. This paper presents the perspective directions of development of the delivery of obstetrical and gynecological care for women due to level of military medical establishments of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(8):13-16
pages 13-16 views

Проблемы оказания медицинской помощи детям военнослужащих и воспитанникам довузовских общеобразовательных учреждений Минобороны России

Шабалов Н.П., Арсентьев В.Г., Цителадзе А.А., Михеев А.В.


On the basis of the legal, instructional-methodological data and evaluation of the organization of medical care for children and adolescents identified the main challenges of pediatric services for the optimization of the Russian Defense Ministry interagency medical personnel accompany the children and adolescents, pre-university students in military educational institutions, at the stage of military reform and optimize the structure of the military medical service. To provide medical assistance to children of servicemen and DVOU pupils in accordance with the standards of health required the integration of interagency efforts of the military-medical institutions and medical institutions of state and municipal health systems.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(8):17-21
pages 17-21 views

Совершенствование работы офтальмологического центра многопрофильного госпиталя на основе информационных технологий

Белякин С.А., Крячко Н.С.


The article explores the potential information technologies have to intensify the diagnosis and treatment process in the ophthalmological centre of multipurpose military hospital unit and examines the present information analysis system that automates the ophthalmologist’s workplace. The operation algorithm of the given system in ophthalmology is peculiar and distinct from the ones in other fields.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(8):22-25
pages 22-25 views

Оценка гинекологической заболеваемости курсантов-женщин военных вузов Санкт-Петербурга

Артюхова Н.С., Шмидт А.А., Абашин В.Г.


In-depth medical examination carried out a comprehensive survey of the dynamic female cadets of higher military educational institutions of the city of St. Petersburg in order to analyze the health of the troops of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense personnel in the learning process, their level of gynecological diseases, as a possible consequence of influence of combat training. Following the study, shape, volume and frequency of activities to assess the health of women students, as well as a set of measures for the prevention of gynecological morbidity and dispensary of the contingent were developed.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(8):26-29
pages 26-29 views

Терапевтическая заболеваемость во-еннослужащих-женщин, имевших контакт с профессиональными вредностями в период службы в Вооруженных силах, ее влияние на течение беременности и развитие плода

Негруша Н.А., Гордиенко А.В., Шмидт А.А.


The study was made into therapeutic incidence among female military personnel who had contact with various kinds of occupational hazards in the period of military service, its impact on pregnancy and fetal development. Special attention was also paid to longterm consequences of obstetric and therapeutic pathological comorbidity on the development of the child. It has been established, that in the spectrum of therapeutic morbidity among female military personnel chronic gastritis, pyelonephritis and autoimmune thyroiditis prevail and often have a chronic stress as a background for their development. Children born to mothers, who in the period of pregnancy showed the combination of chronic pyelonephritis, autoimmune thyroiditis and late gestosis are a group of high risk for the development of the intracranial hypertension in children and/or infectious diseases.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(8):30-34
pages 30-34 views

Опыт использования синтетических сетчатых имплантов для коррекции пролапса гениталий

Безменко А.А., Берлев И.В., Скворцов В.Г.


The results of extraperitoneal pelvic floor reconstruction using synthetic prostheses implanted Prolift of 86 patients with genital prolapse III-IV (POP-Q; ICS, 1996) are presented. Analysis of treatment, intraoperative and postoperative complications, factors influencing the choice of a rational method of surgical intervention is performed. The results show the high efficiency of the method — no recurrence genital prolapse in 97,7% of patients in the observation period from 6 months to 6 years. However, in 27,9% of cases, surgery is accompanied by complications of varying severity, which requires a comprehensive assessment and balanced approach to the choice of method of surgical treatment.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(8):35-37
pages 35-37 views

Роль различных факторов риска в развитии и диагностике рецидивирующих болей у подростков — воспитанников кадетских корпусов

Волошина Е.А., Григорьев С.Г., Кузнецова Е.А., Миролюбов А.В., Сергеев Ю.С., Шабалов Н.П.


Randomized single-blind case - control study is performed. In total, the cadet corp students with recurrent functional abdominal pain and headaches are examined. The paper shows the role of various risk factors in the occurrence of these states. Diagnostic validity is evaluated. Multifactorial genesis of the studied pathology is proved. The essential role in the formation of the psychological characteristics of personality, neurotic states and autonomic dysfunction is shown. Several constitutional characteristics of the organism were not diagnostically significant.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(8):38-44
pages 38-44 views

Экспертная оценка формирований медицинской службы флота, входящих в службу медицины катастроф

Черный В.С., Ивченко Е.В., Александров М.В.


Expert assessment of possibilities of naval medical service for delivery of assistance in emergency situations in deployment areas is performed. It is noted that the main menaces are radiation, chemical accidents, and explosiveness of objects. Inconsistency between supposed losses and possibilities of naval medical service is probable in case of emergency. This inconsistency requires improvement of interaction with medical services of other ministries, drill of coordinative actions of naval medical commands with other commands of other ministries in organizational frames of united Service for Disaster Medicine.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(8):45-50
pages 45-50 views

Краткие сообщения

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(8):51-64
pages 51-64 views

По страницам зарубежной медицинской печати

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(8):65-65
pages 65-65 views

Становление и развитие военной гинекологии

Абашин В.Г., Шмидт А.А., Кальченко А.П.


Data about formation and development of the system of delivery health and obstetric-gynecologic care in the Russian army since 19 th century is represented in this article. Special attention is paid to delivery of care during the conduct of operations. A lot of archival documents are published for the first time. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Military Medical Academy made an outstanding contribution to development of military gynecology.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(8):66-72
pages 66-72 views

Развитие клинической радиологии на кафедре военно-полевой терапии Военно-медицинской академии (К 90-летию со дня рождения Г.И.Алексеева)

Халимов Ю.Ш., Власенко А.Н., Матвеев С.Ю.


On August 18, 2012, 90 years have passed since the birth of the former head of the Military field therapy Department of The Military-Medical Academy named after S.M.Kirov — the main radiologist of the Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation, the corresponding member of the Soviet Union Academy of Medical Science and the Russian Academy of Medical Science, the major- general of a medical service G.I.Alekseyev, who had been working in the department since its foundation till the last day of his life. Being the head of the department for twelve years, G.I.Alekseyev made a considerable contribution to the formation and development of native military radiology, training of medical and scientific skilled specialists. Professor G.I.Alekseyev’s scientific ideas and views in the sphere of radiology were realized and developed in further educational, research and medical work of the department. Nowadays the staff of the Military field therapy Department remembers G.I.Alekseyev with special gratitude and appreciation and successfully realizes his ideas and plans in work.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(8):73-78
pages 73-78 views
pages 79-92 views

Актуальные проблемы медицинского обеспечения войскового звена Вооруженных сил Российской Федерации

Шелепов А.М., РУСЕВ И.Т., Миргородский А.Н.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(8):93-96
pages 93-96 views

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