Ways to solve the problem of the «golden hour» in the pharmacotherapy of acute poisoning among servicemen (Literature review)

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The article is devoted to the substantiation of approaches to the improvement of the first and medical (pre-medical and first medical) assistance to servicemen in acute poisoning. In the provision of first aid, the effectiveness of medicines is determined by their speed and the possibility of using self-help and mutual assistance. Compliance of these requirements with the medicinal forms used in the military unit of the medical service is analyzed. In acute poisoning, the use of drugs in the injection dosage form at the prehospital stage involves a number of risks.The prerequisites for the use of nasal spray under these conditions are shown. The conditions for the suitability of pharmaceutical substances for use in the nasal spray dosage form for the treatment of acute poisoning in the prehospital stage are formulated.

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Copyright (c) 2017 Ivnitskii Y.Y., Krasnov K.A., Reinyuk V.L., Shefer T.V.

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