On the history of the medical support for the White movement on the South of Russia (1918-1920): The Don Army



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The military-sanitation inspector and held by him the army medical department of the All-Great Don Host organized medical support of the Don Army; the military-sanitation inspector was responsible not only for military healthcare, but also for civil healthcare. A representative of this department was a member of the medical committee of the Armed Forces on the South of Russia. Medical facilities of the Don Army included garrison hospitals in Rostov-on-Don and Novocherkassk, small hospitals at stations, khutors, and railway stations. On the stages of medical evacuations were organized battlefield medical facilities - battlefield hospitals, ambulance detachments, battlefield mobile hospitals, evacuation points, and evacuation hospitals. Antiepidemic means included mobile epidemic and disinfecting troops, and bacteriological laboratory. After the Don Army passed to the control of the commander in Chief of the Armed Forces on the South of Russia and organization of joint military operations with the Volunteer Army wounded and ill Cossacks had also been sending to medical facilities of this join.




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