Clinical guidelines for management of patients with acute chronic obstructive pulmonary disease



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The treatment of acute chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is aimed at minimizing the manifestations of this aggravation and prevention of its progression. This article covers the information about the etiology of acute illness and its diagnosis criteria, recommendations about methods of assessing of exacerbations, place of treatment of this pathology and definition of treatment policy. The data about preferrable means of pharmacotherapy - bronchial spasmolytics, corticosteroids and antibacterial drugs, is given. Recommendations concerning oxygen therapy, respiratory support, mucoactive therapy and prevention of thromboembolic complications are given. An algorithm for the management of patients on an outpatient basis in a hospital is presented.




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版权所有 © Zaitsev A.A., Ovchinnikov Y.V., Bezlepko A.V., 2015

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