Microstructure of the hippocampus in brain injury caused by non-lethal weapons



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Methods of histomorphometry and AFM investigation were used in research of hippocampus in acute phase of gunshot brain injury. Experimental sheep were used in research. Researches fired a shot in parietooccipital area with the gun «Makarych». It was found that shooting causes interstitial edema which disintegrates neuronal cytoarchitectonics of hippocampus in 30 minutes. Main factor for interstitial edema is peculiarities of microstructures of separate hippocampal layers. In surface tissue structures that have porous and viscous structure occurs infiltrative dissection of conduction structures. The energy of edema realizes as spalling and fragmentation in dense lamina of the fascia dentata. Independent from localization pressure cavitation occurs in interstitial tissue of hippocampus. Common pathogenic factors are acidotic picnosis and neuronal desynaptization.




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版权所有 © Gaidash A.A., Ivchenko E.V., Levichev V.V., 2014

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