Particular features of erythropoiesis in high altitude and possibilities of applying of hypoxic hypoxia methodology for the patients with hemopoietic suppression


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Conditions of hypoxic hypoxia at 3200 m height exert significant positive changes in hemopoiesis, normalizing erythropoiesis and coagulation system. Hypoxic climate therapy can be regarded as an additional efficient method to the pathogenetic treatment for patient with unpainful aplastic anemia and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. It should be emphasized that patients must be out of immunosuppressive therapy when getting high altitude stationary.




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版权所有 © Makeshova A.B., Eraliyeva M.O., Levina A.A., Mamukova Y.I., Raimzhanov A.R., 2013

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