Methods of substance abuse prevention in the Armed Forces


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Dynamics of substance abuse morbidity in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during the last 10 years (2002—2012) was analyzed. Results of performed analysis showed decreasing tendency since 2007 in conscripts (0,07% in 2012) and in contract soldiers (0,3% in 2012). Alcoholism prevailed in the structure of substance abuse in conscripts (0,05%), drug abuses were diagnosed 2,5 times less often (0,02%). In contract soldiers non-alcohol abuses were diagnosed in 0,004% of cases. It is stated that the major aims of substance abuse prevention are qualitative recruiting of military units (especially in troops maintaining the combat readiness) and departments (subunits) of military education, creating conditions for propaganda for healthy lifestyle, prohibition of drugs and psychopharmaceuticals in military units. For early detection of persons liable to substance abuse and facts of drug consumption it is necessary to perform a medical examination with the help of special program apparatus complex (such as «Addict») and take into account clinical signs of addiction. Besides, it is necessary to introduce planned and unexpected medical examinations of servicemen. Algorithm of measures in case of detection of serviceman with alcohol or drug intoxication is given. In conclusion the main organizational principals of substance abuse prevention in the Armed Forces are given.




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版权所有 © Fisun A.Y., Shamrey V.K., Marchenko A.A., Sinenchenko A.G., Pastushenkov A.V., 2013

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