About the influence of factors of military service in conditions of North on the progress of urinary tract infections in women



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Results of hospital check-up and treatment of female soldiers, female members of servicemen’s family and retirees of Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation were analyzed for the purpose of improvement of prophylaxis, treatment of urinary tract infections and estimation of factors of military service in the progress of UTI in female soldiers in conditions of North. It was determined that in the structure of UTI in female soldiers aged before 40 prevail acute cystitis and acute pyelonephritis combined with phologistic gynaecological abnormality, aged after 40 — chronic pyelonephritis combined with concomitant urolithiasis and chronic cystitis. Factors of military service influence on the progress of acute UTI and early approach of chronic UTI in female soldiers.




V. Plekhanov


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版权所有 © Plekhanov V.N., 2012

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