Mechanisms of affection of labyrinthine capsule of the inner ear in case of wound to the head by non-lethal kinetic weapons


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Structural, physical, chemical and micromechanical properties capsules labyrinths of an internal ear are studied at influence of the shock wave caused by wound of a head by not lethal kinetic weapon. It is established, that under the influence of a shock wave in bone plates capsules labyrinths processes remodeling, and accompanied osteolysis amplify. Hydroxyapatites capsules labyrinths tests polymorphic phase transitions and depending on an initial condition is exposed amorphizationor increases the crystallinity. As a result of change of micromechanical properties in capsules labyrinths there are cracks, ruptures matrix and bone cavities.




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版权所有 © Gaidash A.A., Tyurin M.V., Ivchenko E.V., Tolmachyov I.A., Rodionov G.G., Sinitsa L.N., Denisov A.V., Maksimovsky E.A., Anisin A.V., 2012

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