Results of the experiment of skin disease reduction in military personnel of Airborne troops


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The article reflects the results of the experiment of skin disease reduction in the Airborne troops. Some aspects of skin disease in the individual armed services are revealed, the reasons of its increase in comparison with the analogous data in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in whole, concrete measures to reduce the number of diseases are offered. The most effective interventions are clothing exchange and bath operations 2 times a week, as well as the use of personal hygiene kits.




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  2. Гладько В.В., Соколова Т.В., Устинов М.В, Дерябин В.Ф. Лечение и профилактика микозов стоп // Воен.-мед. журн. - 2008. - Т. 329, № 5. - С. 39-41.
  3. Гладько В.В., Устинов М.В, Воробьёв А.Б. Современные методы лечения микозов гладкой кожи // Воен.-мед. журн. - 2007. - Т. 328, № 7. - С. 20-23.
  4. Самцов А.В., Горячев А.И., Гладько В.В. и др. Новое средство профилактики микозов стоп у военнослужащих // Воен.-мед. журн. - 2007. - Т. 328, № 8. - С.16-18.



版权所有 © Samtsov A.V., Glad’ko V.V., Goryachev A.I., Kalachev O.V., Deryabin V.F., Adonyev V.S., Ustinov M.V., 2010

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