Comparative analysis of blood loss and haemodynamic changes in endoprosthesis replacing of coxofemoral joint in patients with bilateral coxarthrosis



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Endoprosthesis replacement of coxofemoral joint is the method of choice in treatment of bilateral coxarthrosis which can eliminate the pain syndrome and physical restraint of patients. Also this method gives the opportunity for fast return to the labor activity. However, this orthopedic device is related to the different complications, the most dangerous among them is the blood loss. The method of the single-stage bilateral endoprosthesis replacement of coxofemoral joint was developed and introduced in the center of traumatology and orthopedics of the Central Military Clinical Hospital n.a N.N.Burdenko. The offred method let to reduce the total intraoperative blood loss at average to 30% in comparison with the consequential surrogation of two coxofemoral joint.




B. Maksimov

V. Nikolenko


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