A model of expert decisions in cases of medical care of a cardiological profile


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In the Kostroma region, a departmental examination of the quality of medical care for cardiac patients and their dynamic monitoring (800 completed cases, including 400 of the outpatient level; 400 of emergency medical care) was conducted for research purposes. The effectiveness of medical care was evaluated according to 4 criteria: compliance with the standard, achievement of a clinical result, patient satisfaction, and resource - saving. It has been established that one of the medical and organizational problems of medical care is the high frequency of defects in its provision, including 6440.7 at the outpatient stage and 866.3 per 100 cases at the emergency medical stage. The structure of the causes of defects is dominated by insufficient qualifications of doctors, lack of continuity in the transmission of information, lack of equipment, incomplete scope of diagnostic research. The results of the analysis of departmental examination data for cases of cardiological care allowed us to identify ten groups of options for ensuring the effectiveness of medical care, which became the basis for the developed model of expert decisions on cases of assessing the quality of medical care of a cardiological profile.




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版权所有 © Gruzdeva A.A., Khubulava G.G., Il’in M.V., Kharitonova E.A., Mushnikov D.L., 2020

СМИ зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор).
Регистрационный номер и дата принятия решения о регистрации СМИ: № 01975 от 30.12.1992.