Differentiated use of proton pump inhibitors in patients receiving antiplatelet therapy (review of literature)



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In cardiovascular diseases, all patients are shown lifelong antithrombotic therapy to prevent cardiovascular complications. The use of antiplatelet agents, along with a reduced risk of thrombotic complications, entails negative consequences in the form of an increased likelihood of bleeding. The article presents a review of literature data on modern approaches to the use of antiplatelet drugs for cardiovascular diseases and proton pump inhibitors as gastroprotection of gastroduodenal erosive and ulcerative complications. Given the inter - drug interaction of these drugs, an algorithm is proposed for the differential use of proton pump inhibitors in patients receiving antiplatelet therapy. It is concluded that such use of these agents in comorbid cardiovascular and gastroduodenal pathology can reduce risks from both the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.




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版权所有 © Shames A.B., Belyakin S.A., Frolkin M.N., 2020

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