On the adaptation of cadets of military schools and the prevention of respiratory diseases



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An assessment of the incidence rate of respiratory diseases among cadets of two military schools located in the Kaliningrad Region, in which newcomers from other regions of Russia accounted for 42.3 and 86.8%. Higher rates of acute respiratory infections, influenza, and community - acquired pneumonia among visiting cadets are associated with their low acclimatization to the weather and climate conditions of the Baltic states. A significant excess of the incidence of all first - year cadets over that among senior cadets indicates the influence of the complex of educational requirements on their health. In the observed universities, different durations (in years) of the excess incidence among cadets with shorter periods of study over this indicator among cadets of recent courses were noted. The prevalence of morbidity in the second military collective is due to a more pronounced effect of environmental factors. The revealed differences in the incidence of respiratory diseases in courses of study and cohorts of cadets should be considered when organizing preventive measures.




R. Rakhmanov

Research Medical University of Volga region of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: raf53@mail.ru
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

E. Bogomolova

Research Medical University of Volga region of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

A. Tarasov

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Kaliningrad, Russia


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版权所有 © Rakhmanov R.S., Bogomolova E.S., Tarasov A.V., 2020

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