International experience in the use of personal data of patients in telemedicine consultations



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The results of the analysis of domestic and foreign regulatory legal acts in the field of personal data and medical confidentiality are presented. The problems of legal regulation in the regimes of personal data and medical privacy were revealed: reduced responsibility of the operator of personal data; it is difficult to obtain the written consent of the patient in the implementation of telemedicine; there are no clear boundaries for applying exceptions to the written permission of the patient to the processing of personal data, which may lead to violations of the rights and legitimate interests of patients the ratio of legal regimes of medical confidentiality and personal data remains blurred. One possible solution is to prioritize special legislation on medical privacy.




O. Kalachev

The Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Moscow, Russia

I. Sushilnikov

Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

Moscow, Russia


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