On the occasion of the 140th anniversary of the formation of the Pirogov Russian Surgical Society (1881-1930)




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The Pirogov Russian Surgical Society was founded 140 years ago in St. Petersburg. One of his most important achievements was the creation and organization of the N.I.Pirogov Surgical Museum (1897-1930) as a museum and scientific complex. Here, not only a unique collection of Pirogov relics was presented, but also regular meetings of seven medical societies, congresses of Russian surgeons, and other medical forums were held. Over time, the assessment of the achievements of the Pirogov Russian Surgical Society began to include erroneous information. In this regard, the purpose and structure of the Pirogov Surgical Museum as a museum and scientific complex are indicated. The article reflects the conditions for its transfer to the Military Medical Academy of the Red Army and the liquidation of the Pirogov Russian Surgical Society in 1930, as well as the disbandment of the museum (1935) with the transfer of museum funds to unqualified curators. The implementation of the return transfer of Pirogov and other relics (1948) was a result of the formation of the Military Medical Museum and the opening of the Pirogov hall as part of the museum exposition (1951). Opening of the «Pirogov Museum» as a result of the reconstruction of the former Pirogov hall (2018).




M. Kozovenko

Office of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Email: mnkozovenko@mail.ru
Moscow, Russia


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