Experience in performing combined operations in patients with rectocele and hemorrhoids




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The results of treatment of two patients with lower proctoptosis of the 2nd degree in combination with chronic combined hemorrhoids of the 2nd stage were evaluated. The first was the lower levatoroplasty by the transvaginal approach in combination with closed hemorrhoidectomy, the second - the lower levatoroplasty by the transvaginal approach in combination with the instrumental circular resection of the mucous - submucosal layer of the rectum (Longo’s operation). Longo’s operation in combination with levatoroplasty can significantly reduce the severity of pain in the early postoperative period and shorten the rehabilitation time. After 10 months, long - term results were regarded as «good» (no complaints, clinical and functional symptoms of rectocele and chronic hemorrhoids) in both patients.




N. Davidyan

The 1472nd Naval Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Sevastopol, Russia

M. Bondaruk

The 1472nd Naval Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Email: bondmax11@yandex.ru
Sevastopol, Russia


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