Using the deep oscillation physiotherapeutic system in the spa treatment of patients with obstructive pulmonary diseases




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The analysis of the results of the sanatorium - resort treatment of patients with obstructive pulmonary diseases combined with the physiotherapy method of deep oscillation was carried out. To assess the effectiveness, we used functional and clinical examination data before and after the spa treatment at the Kislovodsk resort in the primary and control groups. The best clinical results in treating patients with this pathology are achieved with the combined use of the deep oscillation method.




E. Sedenkova

Health resort complex «North Caucasian» of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Pyatigorsk, Russia

Yu. Lukin

Health resort complex «North Caucasian» of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Pyatigorsk, Russia

L. Chebotareva

Health resort complex «North Caucasian» of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Pyatigorsk, Russia

T. Leonchuk

Health resort complex «North Caucasian» of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Pyatigorsk, Russia


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版权所有 © Sedenkova E.A., Lukin Y.P., Chebotareva L.A., Leonchuk T.Y., 2021

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