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卷 334, 编号 4 (2013)


Participation of base hospital in regional trauma system

Kraynyukov P., Bosko O., Salimov D., Papkov A., Ermolayeva N.


The authors demonstrated the ability effective work of base hospital in a regional trauma system as a specialized patient care clinic with polytrauma. An experience of the hospital in the treatment of combat injuries, using scales of objective assessment of the severity of injury was applied.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2013;334(4):4-8
pages 4-8 views

Prevention of the syndrome of barometeorosensitivity in the Arctic Circle

Ukhovsky D., Tegza V., Karpushchenko E., Belikova T.


Causes and mechanisms of barometeorosensitivity progression in servicemen, serving in the Arctic Circle, are described in this article. The authors proved conclusively the necessity of active detection of barometeorosensitive servicemen and case follow-up. The authors came to conclusion that it is necessary to include neurocirculatory asthenia into the list of medical contraindications to active service for servicemen, doing military service under contract in the Arctic Circle. Value of detected disadaptive risk factors was assessed. Prophylaxis and barometeorosensitivity control measures were suggested.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2013;334(4):7-11
pages 7-11 views

Surgical service for patients with purulonecrotic complications of diabetic foot

Malakhov Y., Averyanov D., Ivanov A., Stepanyuk A., Kozovoy I.


The article deals with staging surgical service for patients with ulceronecrotic damages of the distal parts of lower extremities associated with diabetic foot. The authors grounded the deadlines of sanitive operations, performing after reconstructive vascular operations, on the basis of assessment of outflow tract according to Rutherford and index of ТсРО2 increase. High efficiency of revascularization in order to maintenance of lower-extremity function in patients with complicated forms of diabetic foot is proved.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2013;334(4):12-20
pages 12-20 views

Comparative analysis of possibilities of radiological methods in diagnosis and characterization of osseous structures damages of the knee joint in patients with tibial condyles fractures

Fyodorova N., Pchelin I., Fokin V., Trufanov G.


Computer tomography was prescribed for 56 patients. The most frequent fractures were — Schatzker II (n=23; 31,5%) and III (n=18; 24,7%) types of fractures. A comparative expert analysis of the results of radiographic, MRI and CT was performed in 56 patients. CT was «the golden standart». X-ray sensitivity in identifying the type of fracture was 80,3%, specificity — 66,7%, accuracy — 79,6%. In identifying the displacement of bone fragments X-ray sensitivity was 70,4%, specificity — 81,2%, accuracy — 73,3%. Sensitivity of radiography in detecting depth of impressions was 72,3%, specificity — 80%, accuracy — 74,1%. CT and MRI have the same results.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2013;334(4):21-26
pages 21-26 views

Substantiation of optimum condition of parainfluenza-3 virus cultivation for production of vaccines on the finite cell line

Bekhzadpur D., Belousova R., Ivanov I.


Research is performed for investigation of cultivation peculiarities of virus parainfluenza-3 on different cell cultures and optimization of methods of virus infection of these cultures with PI-3 virus in the process of development of vaccines. Influence of a seed lot on the formation rate of a cellular monolayer of continuous cell cultures PT-80, LEK, KST and Т-1 is defined, it is established that the seed lot of 250 000 cells in 1 ml provides optimum concentration for formation of a full monolayer within the time limits of 48—72 hours. The most sensitive cell cultures (PT-80) for cultivation of parainfluenza-3 virus are selected; an optimal CCID of virus PI-3 (0,1 TCD s/ml), whereby we can observe the maximal accumulation of a virus within 2—4 day after infecting cell cultures, is defined.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2013;334(4):27-31
pages 27-31 views

Adaptive process in Vietnamese military pilots during the flights on modern russian aircraft

Ushakov I., Pham Xuen Nihn -., Bukhtiyarov I., Ushakov B.


Study on health status of 156 Vietnamese military pilots on Russian modern jet planes (Su-22, Su-27, Su-30, MiG-21B). The results showed that unprofitable factors in working environment (acceleration, radiation, high temperature, humidity, noise) have an impact on the health of pilots during the flight, leading to deterioration of professional health and physiological functions (cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system) and obesity of pilots after 35 years old. Basing on the studies, we suggested some measures for health protecting, safety of flight and prolonging flight-activity of pilots (training in decompression chamber, vestibular training) and balance in food ration for prevention of professional diseases.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2013;334(4):32-39
pages 32-39 views

Brief reports

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2013;334(4):40-50
pages 40-50 views

Modern aspects of combat maxillofacial trauma (Review of foreign scientific-medical publications during 2012—2013)

Grebnev G., Bolekhan V., Golota A., Ivchenko E., Krassiy A., Nagibovich O., Parfenov V., Rezvantsev M.


The current article is dedicated to the modern aspects of combat maxillofacial trauma as they have been presented in 2012—2013 scientific publications. It has been shown that due to employment of more and more powerful explosive devices the facial trauma over the last decade has occurred more frequently and become more severe. Some new methods of facial injuries treatment are being tested now, among them KSL-W antimicrobial decapeptide, new bone regenerative biocompatible materials, scar-healing mesenchymal and adipose-derived stem cells, and a custom automated face dressing platform.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2013;334(4):51-53
pages 51-53 views

The Central Navy Clinical Hospital celebrates 30th anniversary

Maksimov I., Manuylov V., Marchik V., Kozovoy M.


The article is devoted to the history of formation and development of the Central Navy Clinical Hospital (since 2010 — 3rd branch of Burdenko General Clinical Hospital) for the last 30 years. Nowadays normal bed capacity totals 600 beds, 30 medical and preventive units function in the hospital. Annually 11 000 patients receive treatment in the hospital.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2013;334(4):54-62
pages 54-62 views

Outstanding russian scientist, teacher and social activist (To the 170th anniversary of the birth of prof. A.P.Dobro-slavin)

Kuznetsov S., Terentyev L., Lizunov Y.


The formation and development of hygiene in the country is associated with activity of many prominent scientists-hygienists, and among them a place of honor justly belongs to Alexei Petrovich Dobroslavin — PhD, full professor, State Councillor, who in October 2012 would have been 170 years since the birth. He is the founder of the science of domestic hygiene and self-discipline. Hygienist talented researcher, a pioneer of military hygiene in Russia and known public figure, in 18 years of activity of A.P.Dobroslavin performed herculean research, educational, social, and practical work. Creatively continuing and developing the noble humanist traditions and ideas of professor A.P.Dobroslavin and he created the original and largest school of russian hygienists , modern military hygiene adds and multiplies them in order to preserve and promote the health of population and military.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2013;334(4):63-68
pages 63-68 views

The domestic aviation and space medicine reflected in phaleristics

Zhdanko I., Ryzhenkov S., Khomenko M., Golosov S., Sobolenko D.


The article is devoted to the connection between the badges of medical institutions that are material evidence of formation and development of domestic aviation and space medicine and the history of Armed forces. The authors describe development of aviation and space medicine phaleristics, which is an important factor for patriotic education of modern scientific and military medical personnel.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2013;334(4):69-72
pages 69-72 views

Official communications

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2013;334(4):73-75
pages 73-75 views

News feed

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2013;334(4):76-78
pages 76-78 views

Pravila dlya avtorov

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2013;334(4):74-75
pages 74-75 views


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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2013;334(4):79-96
pages 79-96 views
