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卷 331, 编号 10 (2010)


The greatest organizer of military medicine and health service E.I.Smirnov about N.I.Pirogov

Belevitin A., Shelepov A., Kryuchkov O.


E.I.Smirnov’s views of the role and place of organizational aspects of the greatest Russian surgeon N.I.Pirogov in development of modern medical supply system are covered on the basis of vast historiographical data. From the perspectives of historism and objectivism a degree of realization Pirogov’s ideas during creation of the consistent military-medicine doctrine and organization of medical-evacuational measures during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 is analyzed.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(10):4-11
pages 4-11 views

Comparative analysis of community-acquired pneumonia severity in servicemen of organized military groups

Borisov I., Kraynyukov P., Shapovalova T.


The results of the treatment of 2000 patients with community-acquired pneumonia are showed, 693 of 2000 patients were vaccinated with pneumococcal vaccine «Pnevmo-23». Vaccinated patients, in comparison with non-vaccinated, didn’t suffer from complications and sustained course of a disease. The regression of disease’s symptoms and radiological resolution of pneumonia were faster. The length of hospital stay was shorter (18,1+1,7 and 22,41+1,30 days agreeably).
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(10):12-17
pages 12-17 views

35-year practice of treatment of acute coronary syndrome in 3rd Central military clinical hospital n. a. A.A.Vishnevsky

Belyakin S., Prokhorchik A.


Results of 35-years clinical investigation on acute coronary syndrome performed in the 3rd Central military clinical hospital named after A.A. Vishnevsky are presented. Research topics are the following: pathways of blood coagulation alterations,lipid metabolism, improving drug management of ischemic heart disease exacerbations, new medical technologies in diagnostics and treatment of acute coronary syndrome. Decision procedure in patient with acute coronary syndrome was developed in the Hospital. Criteria for percutaneous coronary interventions and coronary artery bypass surgery were elaborated. Original scale for death and cardiac complications risk assessment in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing coronary artery stenting was developed. According to the scale, differential scheme of antiplatelet therapy was introduced, and its implementation resulted in decrease of complications rate. Advantage of early invasive strategy vs. conservative approach was proven.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(10):18-27
pages 18-27 views

Usage of the neutral anolyte for trophic ulcer treatment in patients with postthrombophlebitic syndrome

Yefimenko N., Chernekhovskaya N., Ovchinnikov S., Chomayeva A.


The results of the treatment of 38 patients with trophic ulcers of lower limbs developed against the postthrombophlebitic syndrome at the age of 43-73 years. The course of a disease exceeded 10 years. Trophic ulcers recrudesced in all patients, timeline of its appearance was 2,4±0,5 months. Daily trophic ulcers were irrigated by the neutral anolyte, it took from 5 to 7 sessions. The detersion of trophic ulcers came on the 3 rd - 4 th day; granulation tissue appeared on the 5 th day. The absence of bacterial population was noted in 89,5% of patients after 5,0±0,5 sessions. Trophic ulcers were epithelialized in 1 month, while in the group of comparison the whole epithelialization came only in 32% of patients.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(10):28-31
pages 28-31 views

Diagnostic criteria, epidemiology and a substantiation of clinicopathogenetic types of perioral dermatitis

Grashkin V., Gromov M.


The perioral dermatitis is a multifactorial disease of a face skin meeting in population with frequency of 5% also represents inflammatory process with the various morphological characteristic of an eruption. A total of 511 patients are surveyed by a perioral dermatitis. For the first time clinico-pathogenetic types of development and a disease current (it is hormonal - immunologic, allergic, gastroenterology, metabolic) with characteristic distinctive changes of the hormonal status, a metabolism and immunity system are allocated. The complex of laboratory criteria of diagnostics of the specified types of the perioral dermatitis, giving representation about mechanisms of formation, clinical features of the dermatosis is developed, allowing differentiate to prove the approach to treatment.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(10):32-45
pages 32-45 views

Epidemiology and development of prophylaxis of acute respiratory diseases and pneumonias in servicemen in modern conditions

Zhogolev S., Ogarkov P., Zhogolev K., Udal’tsov O., Shipitsyn K., Zharkov D.


Acute diseases of respiratory organs occupy leading position among all diseases in army. In 2009 a part of total morbidity of ARD, flu, pneumonia and acute bronchitis was 45,7% from all diseases. With the start of the usage of pneumococcal vaccine in the army continuous increase of morbidity of pneumonia gave way to reduction. In postvaccinal period in patients with pneumonia, frequency of pneumococcus’s effuse reduced under the increase of frequency of detection of viruses, staphylococcus and streptococcus. Considering polyaetiology of pneumonia and ARD, significancy of immune inefficiency in its developments, it is necessary to use specific prophylactic drugs with antiviral products in period of reinforce.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(10):46-53
pages 46-53 views

Treatment of initial diacrisis of disorder of trophological status in servicemen

Myznikov I., Vas’ko F., Sadchenko S., Shalabodov S.


The authors consider the problem of objectivity of initial diacrisis of disorder of trophological status as in case of manning and troops of Northern Fleet and also in the interest of military physician expertise at determining of fitness for service. In terms of retrospective analysis of assessment’s results of food status of recruits, submariners and divers in accordance with Government decree N 123 the authors quarreler ranges of denotation of body mass index which are adjusted in this document referring to their own researches. Their research let to get a new denotation of body mass index: «nutritional inadequacy» - <16,59, «suralimentation» - 16,60-19,17, normal balance of growth and weight - 19,18-24,31.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(10):54-58
pages 54-58 views

About development of medical maintenance of Military air forces in modern conditions

Radchenko S., Arcentyev U.


The authors prove the necessity of transformation of medical service of Air Force of all levels within the framework of the realization of program «Development of medical supply of Armed Forces of Russian Federation 2008-2012». Goals, functions of different elements of medical service, responsibilities of performers are developed. These goals have fundamental differences from previous one. New organizational structure of medical service of Air Forces and criteria of the estimation of its effectiveness are suggested. Offers of further optimization of organizational medical structure and improvement of medical supply of Air Forces are developed.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(10):59-64
pages 59-64 views

Brief reports

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(10):65-83
pages 65-83 views

Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov: at the beginning (To the 220th anniversary of the greatest surgeon and anatomist birth)

Belevitin A., Budko A., Ivanovsky U.


The article is concern with years of youth of the greatest Russian surgeon and anatomist Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov, his education in Moscow and Derpt University. Formation of N.I.Pirogov as a surgeon of a new type following by the deepest anatomical knowledge is showed. There is a supposition that with the departure from Derpt to Saint-Petersburg Pirogov’s initial phase of work ended and began his new, mature period of work.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(10):84-90
pages 84-90 views

N.K.Karpinsky - first general-headquarter-doctor

Mirsky M.


The article is devoted to biographies of the first head of the Department of Anatomy and Physiology of Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy Professor Nikon Karpovich Karpinsky (1745-1810). Karpinsky contributed to the development of domestic medicine, especially surgery. His first work «The course of surgical dressings» proved it (1776). Multi-faceted medical services Karpinsky successfully combined with various administrative assignments. In 1791 he was appointed as a member of the Medical Board - the highest government body, ruled the Russian medicine, and after its closure in 1804 - the chief scientist of the expedition department in the state medical council and a member of the Medical Council. The apotheosis of his administrative career began in 1805 post-general headquarters, a doctor, who commanded all military medicine of the country.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(10):91-94
pages 91-94 views

Official communications

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2010;331(10):95-96
pages 95-96 views
