Observation of Ball Lightning Containing Solid or Liquid Matter



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According to an eyewitness, an incident in which the ball lightning (BL) left solid fragments of unknown nature is described in detail. Laboratory analysis of the fragments have shown in their composition mainly compounds of iron, silicon and calcium with oxygen; aluminum, phosphorus, and titanium have been also detected. The obtained data on the chemical composition of the fragments is highly coincided with the results of optical spectrometry of BL, accidentally recorded by a group of scientists from China in 2012 on the Tibetan plateau. The allocation of a special class of BL, containing matter in a solid or liquid state, is possible only with the appearance of new similar observations and relevant research.

Sobre autores

A. Dyakov

Research Center “CosmoPoisk”

Email: argument-161@yandex.ru
Taganrog, Russia


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