Triclinic Afwillite and Other Finite Calcium Silicate Hydrates




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Calcium silicate hydrates (CSH) are widespread in nature and are commonly used in cement production. Their cationic composition consists only of Ca and Si, and the chemical variations of this family result from the variations of Ca/Si ratio, anionic composition, and hydration degree. The structural diversity of this family is related to the variations of Ca polyhedral fragments and Si radicals as well as to their topology and symmetry in the structure. Earlier I presented in “Priroda” the structure of fukalite and closely related calcium silicate hydrates with infinite oxygen radicals. This work is dedicated to the X-ray analysis of another member of the CSH family, afwillite, with isolated SiO4 tetrahedra and other calcium silicate hydrates with finite Si-radicals and their combinations.


R. Rastsvetaeva

Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Federal Scientific Research Centre “Crystallography and Photonics”, RAS

Moscow, Russia


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