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编号 3 (2022)



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Ammolite — a Rainbow in a Stone

Petrochenkov D.


Ammolite is a trade name for an iridescent fossilized nacreous layer of ammonite shells. Ammolite is now widely used for manufacture of various interior decorations and jewelry. The author was the first to carry out comprehensive mineralogical, geochemical, and technological studies of ammolite using modern methods. The factors determining the intensity and color of iridescence have been established. The article presents the results of the study of ammolite from Canada and the north of Krasnoyarsk Krai.
Priroda. 2022;(3):3-14
pages 3-14 views

Brash Ice — a Man-Made Problem of Marine Ice Engineering

Sazonov K.


Ice cover on water surface shows a wide diversity of its structure including linear dimensions of ice fragments. Ice with the smallest linear dimensions (less than 2 m) is called the brash ice. Such ice can be formed in natural conditions at water freezing and as a result of dynamic processes in ice cover, as well as due to human activities at sea. The latter type of ice is the one that has recently posed a serious problem to shipping in freezing sea areas. The paper describes the main properties of brash ice and considers the ways to meet the challenges of this phenomenon.
Priroda. 2022;(3):15-26
pages 15-26 views

Accidental Diesel Fuel Spill in Norilsk

Glyaznetsova Y., Nemirovskaya I.


An accidental diesel fuel spill happened at the end of May 2020 at the Thermal Power Plant No. 3 of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel. The study of bottomsediments of the Norilsk-Pyasina water system (July 29 — August 13, 2020) has shown that pollution spread along the river flow by 31 km, however entered neither Lake Pyasino nor the Kara Sea. The average content of aliphatic hydrocarbons in sediments of the Bezymyannyi Creek and the Daldykan and Ambarnaya rivers (1457 μg/g) was almost 70 higher than in Lake Pyasino and in the Pyasina River (in average, 21 μg/g). The composition of aliphatic hydrocarbons in bottom sediments did not correspond to the hydrocarbon composition of diesel fuel even in the most polluted areas due to the transformation of alkanes. The content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons also decreased sharply with the distance from the pollution source (from 3865 to 56 ng/g). Naphthalenes (indicators of the petroleum origin of hydrocarbons) accounted for 46–53%; however they dominated not only in the sediments of the Ambarnaya and Daldykan rivers, but also in the Norilka River and at the mouth of the Pyasina River, which may result from other sources of soil pollution (erosion of coastal sediments, barrels from fuel and lubricants, etc.).
Priroda. 2022;(3):27-38
pages 27-38 views

Searching for the Laws of Morphological Evolution

Timonin A.


Evolution results in formation of similar forms and structures in different organisms, which cannot be attributed either to their inheritance from a common ancestor, or to adaptations to similar environmental conditions. Attempts to confine such similarities to the universal laws of physics and chemistry are untenable, while the proposed biological laws for the origin and transformation of forms are most often declarative. The article considers attempts to develop formalized laws of form transformation in living organisms and the possibilities of their verification.
Priroda. 2022;(3):39-56
pages 39-56 views

New Data on the Campanian Ichthyofauna of the Lower Volga Region

Solonin S., Arkhangelsky M.


The assemblage of fossil fish from of the Campanian deposits (Upper Cretaceous) in the locality Beloe Ozero consists of representatives of 20 taxa, of which 15 are common with North America. This confirms the assumption about a free mutual exchange between the European and North American marine ichthyofauna at the end of the Cretaceous period.
Priroda. 2022;(3):57-59
pages 57-59 views

Past, Present, and Future of the Mineralogical Museum of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Tretyakova O., Tretyakov M., Kozlova I., Popov V.


Mineralogical Museum at Yakutsk State University was founded in 1970 by an outstanding paleontologist-stratigrapher Arkadii Sergeevich Kashirtsev. Nowadays the museum collection includes more than 3000 exhibits. These are collections of rocks and minerals gifted by various enterprises of the Republic, acquired by the founders of the museum, as well as materials brought by the students and graduates of the Faculty of Geological Exploration from different expeditions. Mineralogical Museum of the North-Eastern Federal University needs to expand its functionality to continue its activities. A modern museum should form a favorable investment climate, as well as a positive political, economic, and socio-educational reputation of the University and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
Priroda. 2022;(3):60-65
pages 60-65 views

“Father of Russian Geology”. On the 175th anniversary of the birth of Academician A.P.Karpinsky

Petrov O., Tolmacheva T.


We present a brief overview of the life and work of Academician Alexander Petrovich Karpinsky, one of the founders and a director of the Russian Geological Committee (1885–1903), the first elected President of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1917–1925), whose 175th anniversary is celebrated in 2022. A.P.Karpinsky was one of the most prominent personalities of his time, standing at the origins of the geological survey and science institutions in Russia. The principles and traditions of geological mapping laid by him are now developed by the successor of the Geological Committee — the Russian Geological Research Institute.
Priroda. 2022;(3):66-71
pages 66-71 views


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Spiders use webs to hear (72). Earthworms reduce arthropod populations (73). Female zebra finches pay attention to the dialect the males sing in (74).
Priroda. 2022;(3):72-75
pages 72-75 views

Origin of Altruism (review of the book: M.L.Butovskaya, V.V.Rostovtseva. Evolution of Altruism and Human Cooperation: a Biosocial Perspective)

Veselovskaya E.


В 2021 г. вышла книга ведущего отечественного и мирового специалиста в области эволюционной антропологии и этологии человека, члена-корреспондента РАН Марины Львовны Бутовской, написанная в соавторстве с ее талантливой ученицей, кандидатом биологических наук Викторией Викторовной Ростовцевой. Авторы представили обзор современных методов и результатов исследований в области изучения альтруизма и кооперации. Настоящий труд чрезвычайно полезен для русскоязычного читателя, так как в нем рассмотрены все существующие в мире этологические школы, ведущие исследования в данном направлении. Важное достоинство издания — обширная библиография, изложенная на 95 страницах. Благодаря этому любой читатель непременно найдет в книге интересующий его аспект и сможет более углубленно ознакомиться с тематикой, воспользовавшись богатым ссылочным аппаратом.
Priroda. 2022;(3):76-79
pages 76-79 views

Erratum to: Kurakin G. F. Bacterial oxylipins: a key to multicellularity and to combating antimicrobial resistance? Priroda. 2022; 2: 26-32.

Kurakin G.


Редакция журнала «Природа» приносит извинения читателям февральского номера и Г.Ф.Куракину, автору статьи «Оксилипины бактерий: ключ к многоклеточности и борьбе с устойчивостью к антибиотикам?», за допущенную опечатку в заголовке (с.26): в слове «антибиотикам» пропущена третья буква «и» — напечатано «антибиоткам». Заголовок статьи должен выглядеть так: ОКСИЛИПИНЫ БАКТЕРИЙ: КЛЮЧ К МНОГОКЛЕТОЧНОСТИ И БОРЬБЕ С УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬЮ К АНТИБИОТИКАМ?
Priroda. 2022;(3):80-80
pages 80-80 views