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The article deals with a scope of issues related to the state of liturgy in Rome in the 11th century. The theory of «germanization» of the Roman rite, formulated by M. Andrieu and Th. Klauser, and its criticism in modern historiography are analyzed. The article discusses also the perception of the Roman rite outside Rome and the papal policy for its promotion. Particular attention is paid to Pope Gregory VII initiatives in the sphere of worship and to the question of the emergence of the canons regular of San Frediano in Lateran and the origin of their Ordinary (Ordo officiorum ecclesiae lateranensis). The author offers a new date and place of compiling of the Liber Ordinarius from the church of St. Nicholaus in Passau. He links this text to San Michele, San Giacomo and San Martino churches in the region of Borgo (Rome), where Pope Innocent II began the large-scale reconstruction and has built some new churches. Perhaps this Pope also intended to reform the Chapter of Vatican basilica on the basis of Lateran model.

About the authors

A. A Tkachenko

National Research University Higher School of Economics

Moscow, Russia


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