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Liutprand of Cremona is one of the brightest historiographers of the Ottonian age, whose worldview was significantly different from the views of other authors of the same circle, due to a different background and an unique experience, gained in his youth. An important direction of research of his worldview is the analysis of conceptual apparatus. In particular, the concepts, associated with «newness» in the context of public representation of power, acquired an unusual meaning for him. The rulers from the Ottonian dynasty in the middle of the 10th century established themselves on the throne quite recently, and thus the accentuation of the «newness» motif could seem an inappropriate hint of the precariousness of their position. However, despite this, Liutprand wrote about «newness» with positive connotations, opposing it to «decrepitude» as a testimony of the spiritual decline of political opponents. At the same time, the historiographer thought it possible to combine «newness» with ancient symbolic tradition when it was necessary for the glorification of Otto I himself.

Sobre autores

A. Anufrieva

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of History

Moscow, Russian Federation


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