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On the cusp of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time in the Western World there were various recreational corporations, among which there were shooting communities in form of fraternities, ‘abbeys’, or ‘kingdoms’. Their activities in Alsace, Flanders, Switzerland, Germany, and Livonia are quite well studied, but that does not include the similar associations of French towns. ‘Memoirs’ of Claude Haton provide information about the activities of ‘the Kingdom of Harquebus and Knights of Oath’, founded with the king’s permission in order to organise shooting competitions in Provins. Annual parades of the ‘knights of Harquebus Oath’ and subsequent shootings that would determine the new ‘king of Harquebus’, as well as recurring meetings with ‘kingdoms’ of other towns, were significant events in the urban life. In Provins there were similar associations for both competitions in arbalest shooting (the budget of arbalesters was more modest than that of arquebusiers) and the ball game. The ‘knights of harquebus Oath’ and ‘ball players’ that went to other towns were often the same people. These associations were peculiar prestigious clubs. They could reproduce social collisions characteristic of municipal elite of French towns during the Wars of Religion.


P. Uvarov

Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences; National Research University Higher School of Economics

Email: revue.srednie.veka@gmail.com
Moscow, Russia; Moscow, Russia


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