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Currently, the study of the blood system almost completely has switched to the use of hematological analyzers. Unfortunately, specialists do not always fully assess the obtained highly informative characteristics of blood cells and the possible causes of false results. The objective of this article is to professionally comment and, if necessary, to help clinicians to interpret the obtained results of a blood test. Hematological analyzers that determine 18 blood parameters and differentiate three leukocyte populations can be used for a general assessment of the nature of hematopoiesis changes, primary and differential diagnosis of anemia, and monitoring of the main hematological parameters during treatment. For a differentiated leukocyte count, the analysis should be accompanied by visual leukocyte counting. The optimal combination is the mandatory combining of a leukogram study with a hematological analyzer and a blood microscopy. The use of instruments with complete differential leukocyte counting (5Diff) without«manual»leukocyte counting can be used to dynamically monitor the state of the patients hemogram, in which, during the initial blood test, the automated differential leukocyte count corresponded to the visual analysis of the leukogram. Analyzes with dubious results, «signal signs», not analyzed in the laboratory, should be re-examined. Dynamic monitoring of the patients hemogram is desirable to be carried out in the same laboratory. More accurate information about the number of platelets and their parameters can be obtained only with the hematological analyzer. To exclude pseudothrombocytopenia, a visual assessment of the smear is necessary. Reference intervals are very arbitrary. A special approach is required to interpret the result as «normal» or «pathological», taking into account the possibility of analytical and (or) biological variation.

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About the authors

L. Nikolenko

Federal Center of Cardiovascular Surgery

Candidate of Medical Sciences Chelyabinsk

E. Nikolenko

South Ural State Medical University


E. Golovneva

South Ural State Medical University

MD Chelyabinsk


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